
Check out Riverhead schools administrator salaries

How much are Riverhead schools administrators making?
That information is required to be sent to the New York State Education Department by all districts each year before May school budget votes. The agency then lists the salaries to its website.
The state hasn’t posted the information yet, but the News-Review has acquired 2010-11 administrator salaries from Riverhead’s schools.
Districts are required only to list the position, and not the name of the person holding that position, officials said.
Some of the assistant superintendent positions carry individual contracts, which have not yet been renewed, while the assistant superintendent for curriculum and development position is as yet unfilled; that number reflects the salary of the last person to hold that post, said Michael Ivanoff, the assistant superintendent for finance and operations.
Principals and assistant principals are covered by the Riverhead Administrators Association contract.
The salaries are as followed:

Superintendent $212,500.
Asst. Super for Finance and Operations $175,000
Asst. Super for Curriculum and Development $171,923
Asst. Super for Personnel and Community Services $169,648

High School Principal $174,598
Asst. HS Principal $123,318
Asst. HS Principal $123,318
Associate HS Principal $145,246

Middle School Principal $164,053
Asst. MS Principal $127,133

Elementary school principal $147,099
Elementary school principal $142,568
Elementary school principal $158,874
Elementary school principal $128,282
Elementary school principal $158,874
Elementary school principal $158,874

Asst. elementary school principal $127,133
Asst. elementary school principal $137,969

Director of English $133,838
Director of Math $123,417
Director of science $133,838
Director of fine arts $123,417
Director of ESL $129,688
Director of guidance $133,838
Director of athletics $158,874
Director of special ed & PPS $158,874
Asst. director of special ed and PPS $141,557
Plant facilities administrator $123,594

As for Riverhead teachers, school officials noted, 141 of the district’s 385 teachers will likely be earning more than $100,000 for the current school year. Of that number, 29 will make more than $120,000. The highest-paid Riverhead teacher in the 2008-09 year made $156,878.

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