
Featured Letter: Volunteers needed at Vail-Leavitt

Vail-Leavitt Music Hall
Vail-Leavitt Music Hall. (Credit: file photo)

To the editor:

For over a decade, Vail-Leavitt Music Hall has been dedicated to preserving Riverhead’s first landmark theater and providing educational, cultural and charitable benefits to our community. Its board is now asking you — the community we serve — for constructive input and support. 

As the Vail’s president, I proudly work with dedicated people who bring diverse skills and expertise to our organization. These friends and neighbors include retirees, attorneys, tradesmen, teachers, students, artists, administrators and Web designers, each a proud caretaker of the Music Hall.

We’re always grateful for membership and donation dollars, but we’re now seeking additional non-monetary contributors. Innovative ideas, writing skills or simply some available time and a friendly personality are all highly valued.

We understand that most people work, vote and pay taxes and are hard-pressed to participate further with significant community impact. However, this last item is exactly the opportunity we provide. Any amount of time and expertise are appreciated. Most of our volunteer staff have busy lives and limited availability, but each fills an important role that contributes to our mission and ability. Some make occasional meetings then work organizing, planning or publicizing events. Others staff the concession stand, maintain security or provide other services for the Vail. Our board members volunteer at public performances and events throughout the year. Our members and staff are valued as part of the Vail-Leavitt family.

Our upcoming schedule is quite active. In May, we’re hosting “The Apron Strings Project,” an innovative production and charity benefit. One week later, we’re celebrating the centennial of Thomas Edison’s kinetophone: the last known surviving original site of its exhibition. Newly obtained grants are helping us to expand our programming and new fundraising activities and events are planned.

Come join the excitement at this important time as we bring unique entertainment and presentations to our region through this living link to our past.

For more information, please email us at [email protected] or call 631-727-5782 and leave a message.

Robert Barta
president, Vail-Leavitt Music Hall