
Featured Letter: No way RPD merges with Suffolk Police

To the editor:

Recent mailings from Sean Walter are implying that Jodi Giglio is going to push for the Suffolk County Police Department to absorb the Riverhead Police Department. 

Nothing could be farther from the truth. As a 33-year Riverhead police veteran, I can assure you I would never support this merger. Our officers do a great job and our response times are phenomenal, due to their familiarity with the area and with our residents.

The mailings also repeatedly mention the “party bosses” trying to oust Mr. Walter. Martin Keller wrote a letter about RPD being taken over by SCPD and stated that it would be underhanded to do so. I can’t help notice that Mr. Walter, a former party boss, and Mr. Keller, a former party boss, are the people putting this misinformation forward. The irony is that “party boss” mentality is rampant in the camp that complains about it.

Stick to the real issues gentlemen.

Bob Peeker, Aquebogue

Mr. Peeker is a Republican and Conservative candidate for Riverhead Town Council.