Burglars enter through windows
Two Flanders houses were burglarized over the weekend by thieves who apparently entered through windows, according to Southampton Town police.
On Saturday, a resident of Glen Avenue reported that someone had entered his daughter’s bedroom through a window while the family had gone to a movie. A cell phone, $15 in cash and a bag containing a passport and numerous other papers was reported stolen in the 8 to 10 p.m. heist, police said.
Between Friday night and Saturday morning, a house on Priscilla Avenue in Flanders was burglarized when someone entered through a window and removed an $800 laptop computer, $20 worth of tools, and a PlayStation 3, games and controller worth $600, authorities said. There was no one home at the time of the theft, police said.
* Eric Mayo, 33, of North Sea-Mecox Road in Southampton was charged with driving while intoxicated last Thursday night on Flanders Road and Spinney Road North in Flanders. Mr. Mayo was seen failing to stay in the traffic lane while heading north on Flanders Road, and was pulled over and discovered to be intoxicated, police said. Mr. Mayo also was found to have a suspended driver’s license and was additionally charged with third-degree aggravated unlicensed operation and failure to stay in a lane, according to police.
* Gerald Bitting, 62, of South River Road in Calverton was charged with DWI early Sunday on Nugent Drive in Riverside. He was pulled over about 2:30 a.m. for a traffic infraction while heading west and performed poorly on field sobriety tests, according to police, who said Mr. Bitting was later determined to be intoxicated.
* Luis Soyos-Pixtun, 27, of Old Quogue Road in Riverside was charged with DWI last Wednesday night on County Road 104 and County Road 31 in Flanders. Mr. Soyos-Pixtun was pulled over for a traffic violation and determined to be intoxicated, according to police, who also charged him with unlicensed operation and moving from a lane unsafely.
* Joseph Kellar, 46, of Penny Lane in Hampton Bays was charged with third-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle last Thursday afternoon on Flanders Road in Flanders after he was discovered behind the wheel of a car that had broken down, police said. Mr. Kellar’s license had been suspended due to his failure to pay child support on April 18, 2008, authorities said.
* Jason Hand, 43, of Hart Avenue in Flanders was charged with second-degree criminal contempt at his home Sunday after officers determined he violated a court order of protection directing him to stay away from a woman on Montauk Highway East in Hampton Bays last Thursday, authorities said.
Those who are named in police reports have not been convicted of any crime or violation. The charges against them may later be reduced or withdrawn, or they may be found innocent.