Riley Avenue Elementary School will be closed Memorial Day, Monday, May 31. Enjoy your time off.
The next Riley Avenue Parents Association meeting will be held Tuesday, June 1, at 7:15 p.m. in the school library. All parents are encouraged to attend and lend a hand with all the fun events coming up in June.
A special thank-you is being sent to Mr. Schaefer, a fourth-grade teacher at Riley, from all the students that he took to Riverhead Raceway recently. The children got to say “Drivers, start your engines” and had their pictures taken with the drivers. They had the best seats in the house, as the grandstand was reserved just for them. Everyone had a great time.
Here is the schedule for Field Day at Riley: Fourth grade: Tuesday, June 1, 9:30-11:30 a.m.; third grade: Wednesday, June 2, 9:30-11:30 a.m.; kindergarten: Wednesday, June 2, 12:30-2:30 p.m.; first grade: Thursday, June 3, 9-11 a.m.; second grade: Friday, June 4, 9-11 a.m. In case of rain a new schedule will be sent home for that grade. Coaches Braune and Hedges look forward to seeing parents attend.
A very happy 3rd birthday to Sean Peterson from his mom and dad, Christine and Chip. Sean is such a great little guy and his mommy and daddy love him very much. We all hope you have a very special birthday, Sean.
Belated happy birthday wishes to Ray Cardinal Jr., who celebrated on May 17. From all your family, friends and everyone at Riley, we all hope you had a really great day!
Thomas Pipczynski Jr. would like to wish his wife, Sandy, a very happy 13th wedding anniversary on May 31. Many more years of happiness are wished for you both. Have a great day.
Get well soon to Frances White (“Babcia”) from all your family and friends. We wish you a speedy recovery and hope to see you soon.
If you have any news for next week’s column, you need to get it to me by this evening, as we have an early deadline due to Memorial Day.
Strawberries are here! They have arrived early and are delicious and plentiful, so get them while they’re perfect. Freeze them, make jam or just stuff yourself full of them. Enjoy!
My sister and I picked wild strawberries the other day, I haven’t seen them in years, as they usually freeze while they are in flower. We picked just enough to make a little bit of jam. It was really cool to pick these tiny berries, which are the size of a pencil eraser.
The orioles are out and they love oranges, so slice some in half and put them out for these colorful birds.
That is all for this week. Be safe and I will talk to you next time. Bye.