
Letters to the Editor


Issues over mold cleanup are political

Glad to see Jim Stark coming out of the cobwebs. I thought he was busy playing golf in Hawaii. Never had much to say regarding all the problems we’ve been having: the sex offender trailer, downtown Riverhead, EPCAL property sale, etc. Wow, he waits to comment on the “moldgate” issue. As a taxpayer, I don’t care if Mickey Mouse cleans up the mold. What is important is the realization that our supervisor saved us $20,000. Riverhead Republican Party chairwoman Nancy Reyer was correct in saying that it was political. Council people Jodi Giglio and George Gabrielsen didn’t thank the supervisor for saving the town money. Why were the newspapers called if not to air some gripes by our junior council people?

There will always be conflicts between different personalities, but the legs that this issue has grown are just ridiculous. It might be smart for Jodi and George to realize that they hurt themselves and injured their standing with the Conservative Party that endorsed their candidacy. Ms. Reyer spent over 30 years in politics and knows when something is a political issue, and Mr. Stark knows that too. So, Jim, go back to playing golf; Jodi and George, get back to work. God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen more. Speak less.

Carole Brush


Supervisor’s act getting familiar fast

In between advancing his proposal for Master-Plan-be-damned zoning, benefiting his friends and financial supporters at Great Rock Golf Course, and his signing a no-bid contract with a relative of his office manager and campaign treasurer, Riverhead Supervisor Sean Walter filed his legally required conflict disclosure statement with the town clerk.

In his statement, our supervisor, who continues to practice law from his Wading River law office, refused to disclose the names of his clients who have matters pending with the town, improperly claiming attorney-client privilege.

Do you see a pattern emerging here?

Philip Piegari


My criticisms never aired on Channel 22

I am a 75-year-old widow. On May 18 I traveled to the senior center in Aquebogue to attend a Riverhead Town Board meeting. I waited over an hour to speak.

When I spoke, I expressed my dismay to Supervisor Sean Walter regarding his actions as supervisor, including his spending almost $100,000 from our taxes to hire his campaign manager, Dave Cullen, his giving full-time health insurance benefits to two new part-time attorneys and his working at Town Hall while he continues to practice law in Wading River.

To my surprise and disappointment, that Town Board meeting has never appeared on Channel 22. Is the supervisor now censoring citizen comments he feels are unfavorable? Is Mr. Walter now suppressing free speech and democracy?

Vasso Patrikis


Landfill study would have helped

The Town of Riverhead spends $40,000 on an apparent no-brainer study to install a wind turbine on town property.

Yet when the town landfill had to be closed there was no study made to decide whether to cap or to reclaim the land, and because of this it cost the tax payers an extra $10 million dollars, money that should instead be in our pockets.

Thomas W. Smith


It’s a shame about some people

As the buses left the middle school last Friday, I began waxing nostalgic, remembering my former students who also took the annual trip to Bayberry Park in Wading River each June. I’ve taught English at the middle school for 12 years, and it was with fondness that I smiled at some of my favorite moments.

Our kids work hard, with many assessments to prepare for throughout the year. This was a much-needed respite from the rigor. As we pulled into Bayberry Park, I noticed some older residents playing tennis. Reading their body language, I could tell they were none too pleased we had arrived. Our kids were given instructions regarding the day, such as behavior and itineraries. And as they exited, quite orderly and pleasantly I might add, they found areas to be with their friends and relax. Like a fast-moving storm cloud, the three or four older residents who had been playing tennis began to reprimand the students, at one point putting their hands up to stop them from using the tennis courts. One of our security guards cautioned the adults not to physically handle any student. What proceeded was a despicable display of elitism mixed with undertones of racial intolerance.

They made bizarre accusations that students were being unruly. We witnessed 350 kids playing and laughing, having a wonderful time. We were all very proud of how well they were behaving on this beautiful spring day. Shortly thereafter, obviously seething because Riverhead students were invading their public park, the group called the police — under the guise of filing an affidavit stating that no student was physically handled. Our staff never disputed this. The security guard had every right to protect our kids. When an officer arrived, a teacher asked if he might pull his patrol car off to the side so students wouldn’t begin wandering over with curiosity, witnessing this charade. One of the group members remarked, “What, these kids have never seen a police car?” I was saddened to witness this, and I intended to write and embarrass the adults for their atrocious behavior. However, I only feel grateful for the opportunity I’ve been given by this community to teach their children. Let’s face it, 12-year-olds aren’t angels, anywhere, but these kids deserve more than outdated stereotypes. Riverhead kids are great kids who go on to do great things.

Darren Dunn

wading river

Car show a big loss

What a shame the car show was forced to leave. They never bothered anyone and it brought business to the shopping center. I am sure people who attended the show would have a bite to eat at either the pizza place or truffles. It is Wading River’s loss just because, it appears, the health club, which is fairly new there, complained. Oh well, life goes on. It is the loss of the shops there.

Charles Rimicci

Mount Sinai

Why not motorsports?

Reading your paper as often as I can buy it, the car show at the King Kullen shopping center has been a family attraction for many years. I took both my kids as often as we could, and now my son and I still go together. He’s 21 now and we are both car guys. My wife is a car nut also. It’s a shame we are losing it. We just came back from York, Pa., and attended the National Street Rod Association car show, where there were 4,000 cars. Why can’t we use the Calverton site for a weekend event for show cars, another weekend for bikes or a NASCAR racetrack. It would bring so much money to the area. As for the traffic, it’s only a weekend per month, or even every other month. Let’s see, reading your paper, Newsday and the Three Village Times, I counted four potential Lowe’s stores coming to Suffolk County within the next four years. What about that traffic, which is every day? We as Long Islanders need to pick and decide what’s best for our kids and grandkids. I would rather spend a Saturday night at a car show than Aisle 4 at Lowes.

Ron Cappa