Riley Avenue Elementary School is off and running. New to the staff are: Susan Leyhane, a special education teacher; Stephanie Dubois, an ESL teacher; and Barbara Wittenberg, a teaching assistant. Welcome! You will love this wonderful school. Meet-the-teacher night was held yesterday, Sept. 22, and was very well attended. Thank you to Keith Brown, who with his custodial staff got the school ready for opening day.
The Riley Avenue Parents Association will hold its first meeting Tuesday, Oct. 5, at 7:15 p.m. in the library. I was a part of this fine group years ago and you can be also. It’s a great chance to help out and be involved in your children’s education and meet some new friends.
Belated happy birthday Sept. 15 to Dotty Fraser, who works at Riley, from everyone at the school and all your family and friends. We hope you had a great day.
Daryl Miles, a custodian at Riley, is the proud new father of a baby girl, Corinne Nicole. Congratulations from all your family and especially your friends at Riley. Enjoy your precious little girl.
Happy birthday to Dr. Bach on Sept. 20, from your lovely wife, Terri, the girls at work, and all your patients and friends, happy birthday to you!
North Shore Horse Rescue will be holding a fundraiser on Oct. 10. Stay tuned next week for more details about this worthy cause. NSHR’s recent fundraiser at Martha Clara Vineyards was a huge success. Thanks to all who were so generous in helping to save our friends.
Pumpkin season is here. I love it, I dread it, I look forward to it, and I can’t wait till it ends. Wish me luck.
Here’s a pumpkin tip: Don’t paint the stem of your pumpkin, it will shorten its lifespan, as it needs the stem to breath. Do roast your seeds. If necessary, store them in a freezer bag and freeze them so that you can enjoy them at a later time.
That is all for this week Take care, be safe, and I shall talk to you next week. Bye.