Flanders: Phillips Avenue PTO gets a name change
Howdy friends and neighbors. This is going to be a really quick column because of the short week. I hope everyone enjoys their day off Thursday, Nov. 11. — if you have the day off. If not, I hope your day is peaceful and calm anyway.
The Phillips Avenue PTO, formerly known as PAPA, has a new name. It’s now called PACT, which stands for People Advancing Children Together. The new name reflects the commitment of the community to promote the education and well-being of our children every day. The next PACT meeting will be on Nov. 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the school. If you have any questions or comments for the board members feel free to contact them (Janice, Kevin, Kim and Jessica) at [email protected].
I mentioned last week that Mr. Robert (Luke) Lucas, Phillips Avenue custodian, and his wife, Denise, won the grand prize at classic rock station WRCN’s Halloween party on Oct. 29. What you didn’t know is that WRCN now has pictures up on its website. Visit wrcn.com and click on photos to see Luke and Denise in their wonderful costumes of bunny and carrots that Denise handmade herself.
Happy birthday to my third baby brother, Frank, who will celebrate Nov. 12, from Danny, all of us here in my house, Dad, Jim, Denise, James, Charlotte, Mike, Kim and Ryan. We love you and hope you have a wonderful day and we wish you many, many more.
Congratulations to former Flanders resident Mark Joseph Dunleavy and his wife, Tabitha, on the birth of their son, Landon Joseph, who was born on Oct. 28. Landon weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was 19 inches long. Your mom, Steve and sisters Nicole and Savannah are very happy for you both and send you all lots of love to Fort Drum, N.Y.
Well, that’s it for our news for this week. I told you it was going to be short and sweet. Have a wonderful weekend. Please drive safely and remember to put those cell phones down and obey the speed limits. Let’s keep our roads and children safe. Call or e-mail me with any news you’d like to share with the community.