
Riverhead blotter: Man arested for being high in Target parking lot

A 29-year-old Riverhead man was arrested for being high in public near the Target store on Route 58 last Wednesday after witnesses reported that he was peering into car windows in the parking lot, authorities said.

Police said Willie Bryant was arrested for obstructing government administration, criminal possession of a controlled substance and appearing in public under the influence of narcotics.

He was taken to Peconic Bay Medical Center for evaluation.

This is not Mr. Bryant’s first run-in with the law. In April, Mr. Bryant was sprayed with pepper spray and arrested by Southampton Police during an incident on Flanders Road in Riverside. He was then charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

• Paul Miller, 45, of Calverton was arrested for allegedly breaking into a woman’s bedroom and attacking her about 9:30 p.m. last Tuesday on Middle Road in Riverhead, police said. The alleged victim, described as a female acquaintance, told investigators that Mr. Miller broke her bedroom door and forced his way into her room, pushing her up against a wall and punching her in the chest several times. He also allegedly threw the woman’s cell phone on the ground.
He was charged with criminal mischief and second-degree harassment.

• Austin Brengel, 18, of Wading River was arrested at police headquarters about 10:30 a.m. last Wednesday and is facing attempted burglary charges in connection with an Oct. 20 incident, about which details were not available. After his arraignment in Riverhead Town Justice Court, Mr. Brengel was turned back over to the Suffolk County jail in Riverside, where he was being held on an unrelated charge.

• A 17-year-old male was arrested at Riverhead High School about 11 a.m. last Thursday and charged with third-degree criminal mischief. No additional information was available.

• Katherine Denton, 22, of Riverhead was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance about 6 p.m. Friday at police headquarters, officials said. No further details were available.

• Florence Ratteray, 58, of Riverhead is facing grand larceny charges in connection with the theft of a 2007 Ford Fusion, Riverhead Police said. She was charged at police headquarters about 8:30 a.m. last Wednesday. The vehicle was recovered on Dec. 16.

• Someone spray painted graffiti on Wading River Elementary School on Wading River Manor Road. The vandalism was reported about 2:30 p.m. Monday.

• A man reported that his vehicle was damaged by a Riverhead Town truck while he was traveling on Hubbard Avenue in Riverhead Friday. The man told police he was traveling in the westbound lane when a large rock flew off the truck, which was dumping sand on the road, and hit his windshield. The incident occurred just after 3 p.m. No additional information was available.

Those who are named in police reports have not been convicted of any crime or violation. The charges against them may later be reduced or withdrawn, or they may be found innocent.