Calverton: Signs of spring!
A sure sign of spring is the reopening of Baiting Hollow Congregational Church’s thrift shop on Sound Avenue on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17. They always have many great things for sale, such as household items. Need new glasses, mugs or plates? They have ’em. Clothing, books, toys? This is the place to visit. The shop is open on Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and everyone there is so nice and helpful. Do visit for some great buys. Also, if you have anything you don’t need or use anymore, they would love to have your donations.
There has been a report of peepers in Ridge. Yes, those darling little frogs have been heard in Randall Pond, according to a Manorville resident who knows his frogs. This means spring is on its way. I surely hope so!
If you’ve noticed your spring bulbs making their way out of the ground, step away! Do not remove any leaves or pine needles that may be covering them. It is not time yet, as the ground will most likely freeze again, and perhaps more of the white stuff, not just frost, will make an appearance. Poor peepers.
A very happy birthday to Dick Green, who celebrates on March 5. Dick, you are the best and have a great sense of humor. We all love you dearly and wish you a simply perfect day, full of lots of fun and surprises.
Get-well-soon wishes are being sent to my good friend Marge Parr, who lives in Manorville (next door to the gentleman who heard the peepers). Marge had a very unfortunate accident and broke her leg, but she is doing just fine and is healing well. She lives only a few doors down from my dad, who is also doing fine. The funny thing is both dad and Marge help me at the farm stand during the summer and fall. The “not so funny” thing is I’m hoping they both get better real soon or I am in big trouble. I have the utmost faith in the both of you, but take your time and get well soon. Lots of love to you both.
Teresa Pelis was a very nice lady, much loved, and very kind. We said goodbye to her this past weekend and she will be missed dearly. To Teresa’s family and friends, and to all who enjoyed seeing her at work at Bay View Farm Market, our love to each and every one of you.
That is all for this week. Be safe, take care and I will talk to you next time. Bye.