Flanders Column: Big Duck fair this Saturday and birthday party in June
How’s everyone doing this week? I hope you enjoyed your weekend, even if it wasn’t as warm and sunny as it has been. I’m not really too upset with the rain because my plants and grass really needed it. Maybe it’ll even wash away some of this pollen. I’ve been sneezing and blowing my nose so much lately I’m surprised it hasn’t fallen off. I’ve had allergies my whole life but this year (month) so far has been the worse it’s ever been.
The Friends of the Big Duck will be hosting an 80th birthday party on Saturday, June 18, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Big Duck Ranch. There will be music, refreshments, games, prizes and surprises. Best of all, it’s all free! Do join them at this family fun day. Everyone loves The Big Duck!
Don’t forget the Craft Fair/Flea Market this Saturday, May 21 (rain date May 22), from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., also at the Big Duck Ranch. There will be over 50 vendors and admission is free. Special thanks to the Friends of the Big Duck and the Flanders Village Historical Society for sponsoring this event. The Friends of the Big Duck is a not-for-profit organization and all proceeds go to the improvement and restoration of the Big Duck Ranch.
Congratulations to Wendy Gabrielson and Frank Fisher on the birth of their beautiful baby boy, Alexander James Fisher, on May 10. Baby Alexander weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces and measured 20 inches long. Most of the Fisher clan were on hand to welcome him. Grandma Annemarie and great-aunt (aka “Your Majesty”) Dory are especially over the moon. Love and happiness to you all.
Happy birthday to Karen Makson McKevitt, my former next-door neighbor, who will celebrate on Saturday, May 21, from your husband, Sean, your children, Morgan and Jake, your dad, your sister, Amanda, and all your friends from Flanders. We hope you have a great day!
Sorry for the extremely short column this week. I guess everyone is just too busy enjoying spring to email me their news. If you have something you’d like me to mention in the column then why not call me or email it to me right this minute while you’re thinking of it. Have a great weekend and please remember to drive slowly and safely. Put those cell phones down!