Video: Deployed Riverhead man wishes parents happy birthday via Citi Field jumbotron

The family might be a clan of Yankees fans, but it was the New York Mets who gave Fred and Wendy Mildner their greatest birthday present this year.
While they were attending Saturday’s game against the Pittsburgh Pirates at Citi Field on Military Appreciation Day, their son, who is deployed in Afghanistan, had a special message for his family.
U.S. Army Specialist Jay Mildner wished his parents a happy birthday, as he and his fellow soldiers were displayed on Citi Field’s big screens, as both parents are celebrating this week.
He also gave a shout out to his fiancée, Sara, his sister Stephanie and her boyfriend, PJ.
“I heard from a few good childhood friends of mine after my appearance that it turns out my longtime friend Ryan was in attendance that night and was also taken by surprise and was very excited to see me,” Specialist Mildner wrote in a Facebook message from Afghanistan. “It worked out great. I am glad the Army gave me this opportunity.”
U.S. Army Specialist Tim Curry, also of Riverhead, got a chance to say hi to his family members as well.
Both men are with the 126 Infantry.
The U.S. Army gave the tickets to Specialist Mildner’s family members, he said.
Scroll to 1:05 to see Specialist Curry and to 1:22 to see Specialist Jay Mildner.
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