Slide Show: Riverhead school’s 26th annual ‘Say No to Drugs’ march
Pulaski Street School’s 26th annual “Say No to Drugs” march was held Friday morning. Students, school and school board officials, Riverhead Supervisor Sean Walter and Town Board members, Southampton Town officials and Suffolk County legislators marched in the event, sponsored by Riverhead Community Awareness Program, Inc..
The ‘Essay Contest’ winners were fifth grader Roxana Lopez and sixth grader Peter Panciocco. They both received $100 gift cards donated by Tanger Outlets.
The guest of honor was Riverhead Middle School Cross Country and track coach Bernice Brown. She is a Riverhead native RHS Class of 1975 and has been coaching for over 20 years. she is alos the computer lab assistant at Riverhead Middle School.
The Riverhead Loyal Order of the Moose provided a picnic lunch and Pulaski Street PTO provided the ice cream.
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