Calverton: Summer has arrived, and so has the local corn
So, you guys did it. You all made it through the school year. Graduates, whatever you have planned, be it moving up to another school, going to college, or joining the working world, I wish all of you much success. Don’t give up. You have the ability to do whatever you want just by having the courage and determination. Good luck to each and every one of you!
From everyone at Riley Avenue Elementary School, may you all have a wonderful summer, full of sunshine and lots of fun. Thanks to all the parents, who are so crucial to our school, to our teachers, who do so much for our children, to our custodians, who make the school run like a well-oiled machine, and to our wonderful David Kenos and terrific Ms. Grimm. What a simply wonderful school we have. See you in September!
Be sure to pick up some local corn for your parties this weekend. Yes, it has arrived. Do buy local and not from the supermarket. Local tastes better and is fresher, and you’ll be helping the farmers do what they do best, which is raise great fruits and veggies for you. Keep us growing for you.
Get well soon to a simply wonderful guy who I love dearly, Dick Green. Many of you know him and love him not only for his wit and humor but because he is a kind and caring man. We wish you well, Dick. You can bet we are hoping to have you back to perfect real soon.
Summer is here, and with it comes sunburns. Need something to ease your sunburn pain at 10 p.m. and can’t find anything? Try rubbing the area with shaving cream. You’ll be amazed at how well it will comfort your skin. Most shaving creams contain lanolin and emollients, some even have aloe vera, which soothes skin immediately. The light foam won’t trap the heat against your skin.
Happy birthday to Jan Niewadomski, who celebrated on June 27, with much love from your wife, Carol, your son, Jimmy, and all your family and friends. We hope you had a wonderful day, Jan.
We have an early deadline for the July 7 issue. Email me right now if you have news for the July 7 issue, as the very fine people at the News-Review will have the day off on the Fourth of July. Thanks for your understanding.
That is my column for this week. Hopefully the rain has stopped, because for a while I wished that we would not see rain until Halloween. It was too much, but you know Mother Nature. On that note I shall talk to you next week. Take care and be safe. Bye.