Flanders: FRNCA picnic Aug. 13
Howdy, friends and neighbors. I’m sad because July is almost over. I love summer, even the heat and humidity for the most part. I’d take that over two feet of snow and ice any day.
The next ‘Friends of the Big Duck’ general meeting will be held Tuesday, Aug. 2, at the David Crohan Community Center at 7 p.m. All are invited (you need not reside in Flanders). Bring a friend!
My friend and Riverhead News-Review contributing photographer John Neely will be exhibiting images of New Orleans at Palmer Vineyards on Sound Avenue in Aquebogue from Aug. 5 to Sept.11. An opening reception will be held at Palmer on Friday, Aug. 5, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The Flanders Fire Department/FRNCA community blood drive was a great success. The blood drive committee would like to thank the following: Neil Young, for his time and voice doing the PSA for the drive; Meetinghouse Deli in Aquebogue, for donating the hero for the donors; WLNG radio, for their continuous announcements of the drive the day it was held; and all the donors who helped save a life.
FRNCA’s annual picnic will be held Saturday, Aug. 13, from noon to 3 p.m. at Red Creek Park in Hampton Bays. Tickets are $5 for adults and $2 for children under 12. Hot dogs, hamburgers and refreshments will be supplied by FRNCA. Please bring a side dish to share. There will be fun and games for the entire family. For tickets or more information call Pat at 727-7527.
The Lennon/Schadecker family has lots of birthdays coming up. Starting off is John Schadecker, who celebrated on July 24. Debi’s birthday is on the 30th. She’ll be celebrating it in Florida with her friend, former Flanders resident Dolores Lasorsa and her family. Next is son J.J. Lennon, who will turn 35 on Aug. 2. Happy birthday to you all from all your family and friends!
Get-well wishes to one of the nicest women in the world, Ms. Charlotte Nelson, recently in the hospital but now home getting better every day. I met her at Christmastime caroling with my daughter and members of FRNCA at McLeod’s retirement community. While driving home down Ludlum Avenue we saw a beautifully decorated home. I stopped to tell them how beautiful their home was and was invited in for a grand tour. The house was gorgeous. Ms. Nelson and her family welcomed us and a friendship was formed. I’m privileged and blessed to know her and her family. I wish you the speediest of recoveries, Ms. Nelson. If you need anything, you know my number.
Well, that’s all for this week. Thanks to everyone who sent me news. If you have any you’d like to share with the community please don’t hesitate to call or email me. Please remember to drive safely. It might have been the heat but I’ve seen a lot of silly drivers lately. Take care and talk to you soon.