Flanders: RHS Class of ’86 Reunion Aug. 27 still open
Hello, friends and neighbors. Another week has gone down in the books — I wish time would slow down as is the general opinion around the neighborhood. How do you feel about summer 2011? I have to admit it has been pretty awesome weather-wise — heat and a good amount of rain now and then. Even my grass is still green, which is a shocker in itself. Usually it’s all dead and brown by now.
The next ‘On the Go’ field trip for Southampton Town students in grades 6-10 is Tuesday, Aug. 16, at East Hampton Bowl. Transportation and admission is only $5 per student. The final trip is to Paintball Arena on Tuesday, Aug. 23. Cost is $35 per student and includes transportation and equipment. If your child is interested in either of these two supervised trips call 631-702-2425. Space is limited so call as soon as possible. To print out an application or to find the schedule for these and other events, visit southamptontownny.gov/youthbureau.
RHS’s Class of 1986 25th-year reunion is Saturday, Aug. 27, from 6 to 11 p.m. at Calverton Links/Eagles Landing. The invitation said to respond by July, but it’s still not too late to attend. Please call me at the number above or John Graziano at 631-335-2035.
Belated happy birthday to my aunt Felicia “Fee-Fee” Tribuzio, who celebrated Aug. 7, from all your family and friends. I hope you had a wonderful day! Please forgive me for not putting it in last week. You know me and how I am. Love ya! And to Mike Lorenz, who celebrated Aug. 10, from your wife, Tracy, and daughter, Olivia. They love you and hope you had a great day!
A couple of thank-yous to friends who helped me out in the last two weeks. First to Kathy Kruel for the baby parakeet you so generously gave to my daughter Kaitlyn. Birdie is doing wonderfully and is a sweetheart. After a rough first night of not being too keen on being in a new cage in a new house, Birdie has morphed into the best bird ever! It’s playing, kissing, hanging out on the top of the cage and chirping away. Thank you again!
A big thank-you to Rob Santoro for the already-blooming butterfly bushes you gave me. The ones you gave me last spring were mowed down this spring and I haven’t been able to get them to come back. Now I have some brand-new ones and I will make sure they are well protected from the teenage lawn mower operators who live in my house. Thanks again and congratulations again on the birth of your daughter. She is gorgeous!
Flanders United Methodist Church is hosting a flea market on Sept. 2 and is seeking vendors. To rent a space call 727-5374.
That’s all for this week. Please remember to drive safely and don’t talk or text while driving. Call the person back either when you get home or when you get to a safe place to pull over. Thanks to all who called or emailed me and I hope to hear from the rest of you soon. Take care.