Calverton: Farewell, Ludwigia
Woo hoo! The birds have hatched and have left the nest in the tractor. I was able to chop up some pesky weeds Saturday without fear of being pecked by the mama and papa mockingbirds. There’s never a dull moment at the farm. Now it’s just a matter of watching the chipmunks and hummingbirds chase each other around. I must admit those hummingbirds can be scary when they zoom toward us, fighting like there is not enough nectar to go around. Believe me, there is.
A big welcome home to Dennis Ruffini, who is doing very well after surgery. We are so glad to see you up and about and would like to congratulate you on your speedy recovery. Keep up the great work, Dennis.
Our friend Chart from the Peconic Lake Estates Civic Organization, along with about 34 volunteers, has once again removed six yards of Ludwigia, a very pesky weed that grows in the Peconic River that once threatened to choke the river with its lush growth. About four years ago over 60 yards were removed. Keeping up with this weed year after year truly does pay off. Thanks to everyone who cares enough to make our water clean. Great job!
Here are some fishing tips from Chart: It is better to fish on a cloudy day than on a sunny day as the fish like to hide from the sunlight. Cloudy days usually mean cooler temperatures and the fish go out to feed when the sun is hiding. The best times to fish are first thing in the morning and later in the evening. Thanks, Chart.
Chloe Roth, granddaughter of Ray and Diana Cheshire of River Road in Calverton and who moved here from Germany two years ago to go to school in Westhampton Beach High School, graduated this past June, after which she enjoyed a really cool trip cross country with her grandmother Jean Plitt and her brother Russell. Places visited included Yellowstone National Park, Mount Rushmore, the Badlands and the Mississippi River. Currently family is visiting from Germany. I’ll tell you more next time.
Happy anniversary to my co-worker Kerin Orlowski and her husband, Steve, who celebrated their seventh year of married life together. We love you both dearly and wish you the very best of luck and happiness with your two little children, Cormac and Cayleigh. Congratulations.
I had a great time with my best friend, Patti Smith, last Friday night. No, she didn’t come for a visit from North Carolina, we talked on the phone. Patti has a great garden, planted and grown without my guidance. We picked her first-ever watermelon via phone and she even cut it and sent me pictures. It’s a beauty!
That is all for this week. Buy some extra corn, cook it, cut it off the cob, and put it in the freezer in a freezer bag. The result? You’ll have corn for Christmas, or Thanksgiving, or New Year’s, or Valentine’s Day, or a Monday when the snow is flying. Take care, be safe, bye.