Calendar: What’s happening this week?

Thursday, October 20
Book Discussion ‘The Girl Who Fell From the Sky’ by Heidi W. Durrow, 10 a.m. at Cutchogue New Suffolk Library, 27550 Main Road, Cutchogue. 734-6360.
Fall clothing sale, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. at Good News Thrift Shop, Mattituck Presbyterian Church, Main Road. All proceeds benefit church missions and local community needs. Now accepting winter clothing donations.
Lego-Mania, 4 p.m. for grades K-2 at Cutchogue New Suffolk Library, Main Road, Cutchogue. Register 734-6360.
Henna Tattoos, 5:30-7:30 p.m. for teens ages 13-17 at Riverhead Free Library, 330 Court St. Register: 727-3228, ext. 6 or 12, [email protected].
Film Festival features ‘Creation’ (UK, 2009) directed by Jon Amiel, 6 p.m. at Floyd Memorial Library, 539 First St., Greenport. Free. 477-0660.
Third Thursdays Artist Talks, 6:30 p.m. at Brecknock Hall, One Brecknock Road, Greenport, “Inspiration: Spirit Within Art” with Terrence Joyce. Philosophical discussion of how art is inspired, with featured speaker Isabelle Haran-Leonardi. Hosted by Greenport Art Galleries and East End Arts School of the Arts. Free; no registration. 369-2171.
Great Books Discussion ‘My Antonia’ by Willa Cather, 7 p.m. at Mattituck-Laurel Library, Main Road, Mattituck, led by reference librarian, Jerry Matovcik. Additional meeting Thursday, Oct. 27, at 7 p.m. Register and receive free copy of book. 298-4134.
Friday, October 21
Fall Clothing sale, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. at Good News Thrift Shop. See Thursday.
Movie ‘Of Gods and Men,’ 1:30 p.m. at Mattituck-Laurel Library, Main Road, Mattituck. Eight French monks living in the Algerian mountains choose humanity, not escape, when faced with a chilling threat. Free. 298-4134.
Poetry Cafe, 4-5 p.m. for teens ages 13-17 at Riverhead Free Library, 330 Court St. Register: 727-3228, ext. 6 or 12, [email protected].
Family Dinner, 5-7 p.m., bar open until 8 p.m., at Knights of Columbus, 2050 Depot Lane, Cutchogue. Oktoberfest fare; adults $15 or 2/$25.; children, $10. 734-7338.
Spooky Sound Effects Laboratory with Anthony Abbate, 6 p.m. at Floyd Memorial Library, 539 First St., Greenport. Tell a creepy Halloween story with sound and make a weird sound effects CD using electronic musical instruments. 477-0660.
Monster Madness, 6:30-7:15 p.m. for ages 4-5 at Cutchogue New Suffolk Library, 27550 Main Road, Cutchogue. Register: 734-6360.
Thriller workshop, 6:30-9 p.m. at George G. Young Community Center, Room A, 446 S. Jamesport Ave., Jamesport, with A&G Dance Company. For teens and adults. Watch 20-minute performance of live singing and dancing, then learn Thriller dance. Register; space limited. 727-5744.
Annual Chili Cook-Off to benefit North Fork Environmental Council, 7 p.m. at Martha Clara Vineyards, Sound Avenue, Riverhead. Admission $40 advance, $45 at door, includes glass of wine, chili, cornbread, salad, dessert, raffle, music by Tom Damiani, The Singin’ DJ. 298-8880 or
Roller Disco Fridays, 7-9 p.m. at Stotzky Park roller rink, hosted by Town of Riverhead Recreation Department. Fee $5; skate rentals available. For all ages; under age 15 must be with adult. 727-5744, ext. 28.
North Fork Community Theatre presents ‘Harvey’ by Mary Chase, winner of 1945 Pulitzer Prize for drama; performance 8 p.m., Old Sound Avenue, Mattituck. Tickets $15 at or 298-NFCT.
Saturday, October 22
North Fork Audubon’s North Fork East, meet 8 a.m. at Red House, Inlet Pond County Park, Route 48, Greenport, with Rick and Linda Kedenburg. Visit Dam Pond Preserve and Orient County Park in search of shorebirds, early-arriving wintering ducks and late hawk migration. 734-7144 or [email protected].
Hallockville Bird Walk with Jody Levin, 9 a.m. Search for migratory fall birds around Hallockville, 6038 Sound Ave., Riverhead. Registration required: 298-5292 or [email protected]. Fee $6, $5 members. Bring binoculars, appropriate apparel and sturdy footwear. Heavy rain cancels.
Fall Mega Sale, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at First Universalist Church, Main Road, Southold. Furniture, clothing, housewares, costumes, collectibles, dolls, fall and Halloween decorations. Rain or shine. 765-3494.
Bus trip to Theatre Three in Port Jefferson to see ‘Hansel & Gretel,’ 9:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. (showtime 11 a.m.). Fee: $7 due at registration at Cutchogue New Suffolk Library. 734-6360.
Fall Clothing sale, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. at Good News Thrift Shop. See Thursday.
Endurance Ride, 10 a.m.-noon at Fitness Advantage in Southold, to benefit Susan G. Komen Passionately Pink for the Cure; $10 donation to participate. or 765-4015 for information.
Loom Beading, 9-11 a.m.; Beginner Knitting, 10 a.m.-noon at Southold Indian Museum, 1080 Main Bayview Road. Fee. Register: 765-5577.
14th Annual 5K Run for the Ridley, 10 a.m., sponsored by Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation to benefit Kemp’s ridley sea turtles and all marine mammals and sea turtles. Race starts on Main Street in Riverhead. Registration 8-9:30 a.m. at easternmost end of municipal parking lot adjacent to Peconic River. Advance $20, day of event $25. Free T-shirt to first 300 registrants. 369-9840.
Furry Fashion Show, support Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month, 2-5 p.m. at The Country Pet Boutique, Love Lane, Mattituck. Win prizes, support shelter rescue and collect donations to support area animal rescue groups and no-kill shelters. Furry Fashion Parade begins 4 p.m., dogs of all breeds and sizes eligible if wearing a decoration, costume or article of clothing that fits safely. Puparazzi will take photos of all entrants and make keepsake prints at 3 p.m.; well behaved, leashed dogs only. 298-7800 or email [email protected].
Touch of Poland, 2 p.m., The Maximilian Kolbe Dance Group, 3 p.m. at Cutchogue New Suffolk Library, 27550 Main Road, Cutchogue. Celebrate longstanding Polish culture in the community; call if you have an item from Poland or favorite dish to share. 734-6360.
The Moose Legion 20 hosts Vegas Night, 6:30 p.m. at Riverhead Moose Lodge, 1742, 51 Madison St. Admission $5, includes snacks. 875-4979.
Orionid meteor shower party and stargazing, 7 p.m.-midnight (weather permitting) at Custer Institute & Observatory, 1115 Main Bayview Road, Southold. Bring blanket or lawn chair. Custer’s telescopes open for viewing other celestial objects. Suggested donation: $5, $3 children, members free. 765-2626.
North Fork Community Theatre presents ‘Harvey,’ 8 p.m. See Friday.
Sunday, October 23
Pancake breakfast, 9 a.m-1 p.m. in cafeteria at St. Isidore R.C. School, Marcy Avenue, Riverhead, hosted by Knights of Columbus Council 928, Riverhead. Adults $8; children under 12 $4.
Car Wash, noon at Fitness Advantage, Southold to benefit the West family of Cutchogue, whose 2-year-old daughter, Morgan, was recently diagnosed with an inoperable brainstem tumor. Fee $10 per car. 765-8142.
Edith Piaf, Cabaret, Clutter, Cellphones, 2 p.m. at Riverhead Free Library, 330 Court St., performed by singer/songwriter Lois Morton. Presented by Friends of library. Free; light refreshments. 727-3228.
North Fork Community Theatre presents ‘Harvey,’ 2:30 p.m. See Friday.
Monday, October 24
Halloween Bones, 4:30-5:30 p.m. for grades 5-6 at Cutchogue New Suffolk Library, 27550 Main Road, Cutchogue. 4C event presented by Jean Wells; make and take home a 12-inch anatomically correct skeleton. Register: 734-6360. At Floyd Memorial Library in Greenport on Oct. 26; call 477-0660.
Tuesday, October 25
Bus trip to NYC Tenement Museum & 9/11 Memorial site, 8:45 a.m., sponsored by Friends of Mattituck-Laurel Library. Fee $75 (nonrefundable) includes bus fare, guided tours, lunch, tips. Sign up at circulation desk. 298-4134.
Book discussion: Truman Capote’s ‘In Cold Blood,’ 7-8 p.m. at Riverhead Free Library, 330 Court St. True account of 1959 murders of a Kansas farm family. Sign up at reference desk. 727-3228.
Wednesday, October 26
Fall flower centerpiece workshop, 2 p.m. with Richard Corbin from Clawflowers at Floyd Memorial Library, 539 First St., Greenport. Materials fee $20. Register: 477-0660.
Halloween Bones, 4:30-5:30 p.m. for grades 5-6 at Floyd Memorial Library, 539 First St., Greenport. Register: 477-0660. See Monday.
Toxics in your backyard: what you need to know, 5:30-7 p.m. at Group for the East End’s Southold office, 54895 Main Road. Learn how and where to spot areas impacted by toxic pollution, what to do and whom to contact to protect both health and environment. Reservations/information: Jenn Hartnagel, 765-6450, ext. 211, or [email protected].
Vintage Costume Jewelry, 7 p.m. at Mattituck-Laurel Library, Main Road, Mattituck. Collector and retired educator Kathleen Otranto presents program covering history, identification, value and cleaning suggestions for vintage costume jewelry. Free. 298-4134.
Thursday, October 27
Southold Mothers Club goes to Halloween Storytime Yoga, 1-1:45 p.m. at Expert Martial Arts Dojang #2, 1116 Main Road, Aquebogue. For ages 2-5; $8 per child, $3 each additional sibling. SMC discount available. Preregistration required; contact Mary Hasel at 516-807-1580 or [email protected].
Spider Spun Tales for grades 2-3, 4 p.m. at Mattituck-Laurel Library, Main Road, Mattituck. 298-4134.
Wii and Halloween Party, 4-6 p.m. for grades 4-6, hosted by Penny Kelley and Dana Bruey at Southold Free Library, Main Road. Wear costume, make spooky craft, eat snacks, and play Wii games. 765-2077.
Film Festival features ‘My Life as a Dog’ (Sweden, 1985) directed by Lasse Hallstrom, 6 p.m. at Floyd Memorial Library, 539 First St., Greenport. Free. 477-0660.
Documentary ‘Race to Nowhere,’ Changing How We Prepare Our Children for Their Future, 6:30 p.m. in Southold High School auditorium, Oaklawn Avenue. Stories of young people across the country pushed to the brink, burned-out educators worried that students aren’t developing the skills they need, parents trying to do what’s best for kids, and silent epidemic in schools: cheating, disengaged students, stress-related illness and more. Dr. Alison Byers facilitates discussion following film.
Slow Food East End presents ‘Lunch Line, the Documentary,’ 6:30 p.m. at Mattituck-Laurel Library, Main Road, Mattituck, about the impact of politics and private interests on school meals. Free. 298-4134.
Great Books Discussion ‘My Antonia’ by Willa Cather, 7 p.m. at Mattituck-Laurel Library. See Thursday, Oct. 20.
North Fork Community Theatre presents ‘Harvey,’ 8 p.m. See Friday.
Calendar Policy
In order to be listed in the calendar, events must be open to the general public and be not-for-profit, nonpartisan and nonsectarian in nature. The deadline for receipt of calendar listings is 5 p.m. Friday. To submit material: E-mail [email protected]; mail to Times/Review News-papers, P.O. Box 1500, Mattituck, NY 11952; or fax to 298-3287. Call 298-3200 for information.