Fishing Report
Aboard the Prime Time III out of Orient by the Sea on Tuesday, Capt. Mike Boccio told us he plans to fish through the first December week now that the tautog season is in full swing. The boat continues to catch nicely with limits for many and pool fish to 10 pounds. Sea bass are in the mix for a while and there is heartening evidence of an uptick in cod stocks. A couple of cod to 30 inches were taken on drops over the weekend. Bass and blues appear to be gone from the Gut, although some marauding choppers and slammers can still be found in Long Island Sound.
At We Go Fishing on the Main Road in Southold, Steven was heartened by the beach action with big bluefish still available and school bass caught at dawn and dusk. He feels that the fall run of bass and blues is still about to get better and that local anglers should keep trying the gravel. All the blackfish have moved somewhat deeper now, however.
At the Rocky Point Fishing Stop, Stan Hentschel said there were big blues every day in his area, along with stripers to 20 pounds. Although South Shore boaties are catching well, the surf casters have it tough. Some very small bass moved into the Shinnecock area, which is not a good sign. The frontal system due around Friday may trigger the last movement of fish along the South Shore beaches. Meanwhile, tautog fishing is getting very good on the Middle Grounds, and that area still boasts a lot of scup in sizes to 14 inches.
In Port Jefferson, the Caraftis Fishing Station reported an influx of sea bass with tautog off Old Field and Cranes Neck. Buoy 11 has been producing small bluefish in the three- to six-pound class with schoolie stripers to 26 inches. Candy Caraftis said that things have quieted down for brother-in-law Charlie at the Mattituck Marina and Fishing Station on Mattituck Creek.
Further back on the island, Vinnie at Camp Site Sports brought his boat back from Montauk and reported catching his last false albacore off Southold a couple of weeks ago. Although the Fire Island bite has died, the Shinnecock action has been good for the beaches up front by day and the inlet in back by night for about a week. Bass run into the low 20s and blues seem to be in the five- to 10-pound class.