Calverton: Thanksgiving food drive at Riley
Riley Avenue Elementary School held its annual Halloween parade and, as usual, it was great. The kindergartners, first- and second-graders marched about in their spooky and fun costumes while students in the third and fourth grades participated in a walkathon in the back field and raised over $9,000 for the Trinca family. What a great job these kids did. Congratulations to each of you.
The morning program at Riley is holding its 12th annual Thanksgiving food drive. If you would like to help feed local families in need you can do so by dropping off donations of canned or dried goods — gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc. Grocery store gift cards are also welcome to help purchase turkeys. I know times are very hard but a little extra here and there is so much appreciated.
Photo makeup day is Friday, Nov. 18, for those students who missed out the first time. The highly anticipated Thanksgiving break will start Nov. 23, with the children returning to school Monday the 28th. Have some fun, sleep late and maybe cook a turkey.
Riley continues to emphasize the importance of hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes to help minimize germs being spread at the school. That said, student attendance has been good. Keep up the good work!
Happy birthday to Betty Fox at Dr. Bach’s office who celebrated on Nov. 16. All your family and friends — especially the little ones — and everyone here at Dr. Bach’s wish you a very happy birthday, Betty.
The Leonid meteor showers will take place after midnight tonight, Thursday. This is a great show to see but this year seems it will be a little weaker than those in the past. The best time for viewing is a few hours before dawn. Look toward the northeast skies and see what you can find.
There is an early deadline for my column for the Thanksgiving (Nov. 24) issue. If you have any news for me, please get it to me by tonight, Nov. 17, so that I can send it in by Friday morning. Thanks!
The local scallops are here and they are so good. It looks like they’re less abundant this year so get yours while you can. Don’t be afraid to freeze them. We do it all the time and are able to cook them well into the winter. Don’t wash them, just put them in a freezer bag and you’ll be good to go.
Till next week, enjoy whatever weather Mother Nature decides to give us. It surely has been different each week. Take care, be safe and I shall talk to you next time. Bye.