Riverhead Column: Woman’s Club of Riverhead seeks news of past scholarship winners
Caroline and Frank Stepnoski recently visited their son Robert and his wife, Lori, and granddaughter Amelia at their new home in Austin, Texas. While there they toured the University of Texas School of Architecture, where Robert works as a senior systems administrator. They also visited the Alamo and River Walk in San Antonio. On their return to Austin they stopped in Cibolo to see Chuck and Kathy (Tuthill) Faulk and their three children, Daniel, Thomas and Rachel. Caroline and Frank enjoyed every minute of their trip and can’t wait to see their family again.
The Woman’s Club of Riverhead will turn l00 years old in 2012. For many years the club has awarded annual scholarships in the arts, music, education and science. One of their main goals is to locate as many of these winners as possible so that they can catch up with them on where they’re living and their achievements. If you know the whereabouts of any winners please call Doris Scuder at 727-0345 or write to 150 Prospect Place, Riverhead, NY 11901.
The Teen Department at Riverhead Free Library is collecting food and clean bedding for both the Kent and Riverhead animal shelters for the month of November. That will surely get some tails wagging. Our furry friends need to be loved so please help this great, worthwhile program.
Riverhead United Methodist Church will be having its annual holiday bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 19, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be jewelry, baked goods, a white elephant table, a collectibles corner and a silent auction. Soup and sandwiches will be available for purchase beginning at 11 a.m. Admission is free so stop by the Parish Hall and say hello to the members who will be working and also to Jeanine Zeltman, church secretary. Hope to see you there.
Living Water Full Gospel Church in Riverhead invites all to join them for “Desserts and Testimonies” on Thanksgiving eve, Wednesday, Nov. 23, at 7 p.m. Bring your favorite Thanksgiving dessert to share and celebrate the holiday together. For more information, call 722-4969 or visit lwfgc.org.
LWFGC also presents “A Night in Bethlehem,” a 60-minute interactive experience of Bethlehem and the Christmas Story on Sunday, Nov. 27, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. While there you can visit Santa Claus’ North Pole living room and have a free picture taken. This event is free for the whole family. For more information call 722-4969 or visit their website mentioned above.
Belated happy 12th birthday to Autumn Worth, a sixth-grader at Pulaski Street School, who celebrated Nov. 10.
Happy birthday to Danny Lorenz, who turns 30, on Nov. 17; Christopher Chew (who turns 10), Ann Slavonik, Bob Ball, Butch Taylor, Ray Kwasna and my daughter Kim (who turns 26), Nov. 18; Joe Colontuoni, Shawn Rosko and June Stevenson, Nov. 19; Brice Schoener, Marianne Krupski and Mary Allen, Nov. 21; and Katie Bogdanski, Conrad Dabrowski and Michael Schoener, Nov. 23. Hope your day is extra special.
Happy anniversary to Debbie and Warren Fischer on Nov. 21. Be sure to celebrate.
The News-Review office will be closed on Thanksgiving, Nov. 24, and Friday, Nov. 25. That said there will be an early deadline for next week’s issue, which will be published Wednesday, Nov. 23. Any news/information you’d like to share with the community needs to get to me by 8 o’clock tonight. Thanks in advance!