
Editorial: It’s your turn to write our editorial

Most weeks, this editorial space is a place for us to share our opinions on the news of the week with you.

This time around, we decided to do things a little differently.

Recently, a Times/Review reader wrote to us asking why we don’t publish comments from our websites on our editorial pages.

“You should have a Comment of the Week feature,” he wrote.

Typically, the only forum for reader opinions in our print product is our letters to the editor. But we always have more comments on our site in a given week than we do letters.
So we introduce to you now our new Comment of the Week feature. And to kick it off in grand fashion, we offer several comments written this week by timesreview.com readers. Some of the longer ones have been edited for space.


Parent 55 on the county’s purchasing the North Fork Preserve:

“Why? It can’t be developed. Thought the idea of county purchasing was to preserve? That has already been done by the development rights being stripped. Save the money for something better and worthwhile.”

Acecranky on a question in our online reader forum about whether or not a drag strip should be built at EPCAL:

“Yes, the Navy said motorsports was the best fit for the property after another Grumman. Right now the property is in limbo because of another worthless study on what to do with the land. Motorsports would save thousands of jobs on the island and create quite a few.”

Paceride in response to a recent letter to the editor:

“[You wrote] ‘Liberal thinking comes from a superior viewpoint.’ As does conservative thinking.”

Benja on leaf pickup:

“The Town does a nice job with the leaf compost. But picking up, bagging and trucking leaves all over town is a waste of time, effort and gasoline.”

Golder46 on an article about Small Business Saturday:

“I try to shop locally year round. Let’s keep our money in our communities.”

Ceil on our new, online-only This Week in History feature:

“I love to read the history and old newspapers pertaining to the North Fork, particularly, Riverhead. I was transplanted here seven years ago (and I took root). I love this town. I found this article not only informative, but it supports the adage, ‘Some things never change.’ Great stuff.”

Christina Haag on the piece about a local chef searching for mushrooms on the North Fork:

“Shroom hunters in Cutchogue? Who knew?”