Calendar: The week ahead
Thursday, January 5
Riverhead High School Winter Concert #2, 7 p.m. at Cardona Auditorium, Riverhead High School, 700 Harrison Ave. features 9th grade band and orchestra.
Friday, January 6
Birthday Card Making Party, 6-8 p.m. in East End Arts Carriage House, 133 E. Main St., Riverhead, kicks off EEA’s 40th anniversary celebration, which continues through 2012. Cider and cookies served; bring art scraps. All cards created at party, and others submitted, will adorn gallery during January and be showcased at Birthday Party Brunch on Sunday, Jan. 15. Visit
Anime Night, 6-8 p.m., for teens ages 13-17 at Riverhead Free Library, 330 Court St. Register: 727-3228, ext. 6 or 12, [email protected].
Peconic Amateur Radio Club meeting, 6:30 p.m. at Southold Free Library, Main Road. Richard Brewster presents “The History of TV Development at RCA 1929 -1939.” Open to all ages. 765-2077.
‘Shoreham-Wading River’s Got Talent,’ 7 p.m. at SWR High School auditorium, 250A Route 25A, Shoreham features student singers, dancers and more. Tickets $10 at door. Proceeds benefit PTSA Arts and Education program. 821-8140.
North Fork Community Theatre’s 8th annual Variety Show, 8 p.m., Old Sound Avenue, Mattituck. Fundraiser for NFCT Scholarship Fund.
Saturday, January 7
Blogging for Artists, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. with professional photographer Meryl Spiegel at East End Arts School of the Arts, East Main Street, Riverhead.Learn how to utilize social networking to present and promote work. For bloggers of all levels. Fee $36 EEA members, $54 non-members, Register: 369-2171, [email protected].
Dog Park Party ‘Happy New Year,’ 1-3 p.m. at Southold Dog Park behind Southold Town Recreation Center, Peconic Lane, Peconic. Monthly themed gathering for town residents and their canine friends. Admission free. In case of inclement weather, event will be rescheduled to next day, Sunday. 765-5182.
Artist’s reception for ‘Portraits,’ paintings by Dennis Link, 2 p.m. in Elizabeth Fox Overton Gallery at Riverhead Free Library, 330 Court St., presented by Friends of RFL. On view through January. 727-3228.
Nearly Full Moon Walk, 7-8:30 p.m. at Mashomack Preserve, Shelter Island. Walk 1.5 mile Red Trail by moonlight and experience calm of winter night. For all ages. Fee $5, members free. Preregister: 749-1001, [email protected].
North Fork Community Theatre’s 8th annual Variety Show, 8 p.m.; see Friday.
Sunday, January 8
Buffet brunch in memory of Ryan Hautsch, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Jamesport Manor Inn, 750 Manor Lane, Jamesport. Adults $30, teens $20, children $12; all proceeds donated to Ryan Hautsch Scholarship Fund. Reserve at 722-0500.
North Fork Community Theatre’s 8th annual Variety Show, 2:30 p.m.; see Friday.
Monday, January 9
Parent workshop – homework help offered by Angelo Truglio, 6:45-7:45 p.m. at Southold Free Library, Main Road. 765-2077.
Tuesday, January 10
Wii Mario Party for grades 2 and 3, 4 p.m. at Mattituck-Laurel Library, Main Road, Mattituck. Registration required. 298-4134.
Wednesday, January 11
Floyd Memorial Library Orient outreach, 2-4 p.m. at Orient Country Store, Village Lane. Books for all ages in all formats, films, music, information, research, conversation and more. 477-0660.
Thursday, January 12
Teen Art Club, 3:30-4:30 p.m. for ages 13-17 at Riverhead Free Library, 330 Court St. Register: 727-3228, ext. 6 or 12, [email protected].
Block Island Seafood Company, 6:30 p.m. at Mattituck-Laurel Library, Main Road, Mattituck, demonstrates how to make seafood gumbo and linguine with white clam sauce. Register at circulation desk; space limited. Fee $5. 298-4134.
Clean Out Your Computer & Speed It Up, 6:30–8 p.m. at Mattituck-Laurel Library, Main Road, Mattituck. Christopher Winter leads workshop; ends with Q&A session. Free. Register at circulation desk. 298-4134.
Calendar Policy
In order to be listed in the calendar, events must be open to the general public and be not-for-profit, nonpartisan and nonsectarian in nature. The deadline for receipt of calendar listings is 5 p.m. Friday. To submit material: E-mail [email protected]; mail to Times/Review News-papers, P.O. Box 1500, Mattituck, NY 11952; or fax to 298-3287. Call 298-3200 for information.