Flanders Column
Howdy, y’all. How was your week? Mine was pretty good. The Super Bowl is over and NASCAR racing season starts soon. In my book that means spring is in the air! My friend and I were talking the other day about the really mild winter we’ve had so far. She’s thinking it’s going to be a really raw March. I’m going with a little bit of optimism and hoping Mother Nature will spare us this year. Let’s all cross our fingers.
Here’s some news from the Flanders, Riverside, Northampton Community Association. Their meeting on Monday, Feb. 13, will be held at the David Crohan Community Center at 7 p.m. Topics of discussion will include the revised plan for the River Catwalk Project and the latest info on the 72H Properties — affordable homes slated to be built in Flanders by the Southampton Town Housing Authority. FRNCA’s membership drive is also in full swing. Interested residents can log on to their website at southamptonwest.com or call Laura Smith at 631-766-8400 for an application.
Also being discussed is the $1,000 FRNCA Scholarship Award given to a graduating senior or college student who has distinguished themselves as a well-rounded individual and has received acceptance into an institution to continue their education. The scholarship application can be downloaded from FRNCA’s website or call Laura Smith at the number above. Applications, due by April 15, 2012, must be typed or written very clearly and mailed to FRNCA, P.O. Box 602, Flanders, NY 11901.
Belated happy birthday to my friend Tia Robinson, who celebrated Feb. 6, from your children, Krista and Christopher, and all your family and friends. I hope your day was extra special.
Happy birthday to former resident and good friend Krissy Foulkes, who will celebrate her 20th on Feb. 12. We hope you have a fantastic day. Happy 17th birthday to my son Michael, who celebrates Feb. 15, from me, Dad, Thomas and Kaitlyn. I hope you have a terrific day. Wow, 17 already! Where did the time go?
That’s all for this week, friends and neighbors. I’m a little slow with the news. Don’t forget to call or email me with any news you’d like to share with the community. That’s what this column is for.
Have a wonderful and hopefully warm weekend and please drive safely. Talking or texting while driving is dangerous to yourself and everyone else on the road. Be a courteous and responsible driver and put the phone away while you’re driving.
Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon.