Slideshow: Easter celebration and egg hunt at Cavalry Baptist draws bigger crowd than ever
Calvary Baptist Church in Riverside held its annual Community Easter Celebration Saturday morning at the church and on the grounds on Riverleigh Avenue in Riverside. The event drew twice as many community participants as the church had expected.
The free event was open to all children from the community, from preschool to grade 6, and their parents. Church officials said that it was the most successful pre-Easter celebration and egg hunt ever. They expected only 50 guests and had to go back to the store to buy more food for the 100 or so who showed up.
There were drama and songs presented by the Calvary Baptist Teen Drama Club under the direction of Sunday School coordinator Emily Callings. Children also participated in crafts and games. A free lunch of bagels, bananas, oranges, apples, cheese, juice and cookies was provided.
The holiday event culminated in an Easter egg hunt.
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