Meet Shoreham-Wading River’s kindergarten novelists
Five-year-old Abigail Savona giggled as she read aloud the words she had written on a small booklet in her lap.
“Moms do all the work,” she told the crowd of parents and teachers gathered before her as they laughed. “Some moms dust!”
Abigail was one of about two dozen Briarcliff Elementary School kindergartners who presented books they wrote to the Shoreham-Wading River school board at Tuesday night’s meeting at the school.
Five of the students read and shared their books — complete with illustrations — to the board as their parents listened and snapped photos. They also sang a song about learning how to read and write.
The kindergartners learned to read as part of a year-long unit in reading called “Writer’s Workshop,” said teacher Farrah Franquiz.
“It’s absolutely their favorite time of day,” Ms. Franquiz said after the presentation. “They’re checking the schedule and high-fiving each other if they have Writer’s Workshop that day.”
The students each wrote educational books about different topics that interested them, from Abigail’s book about moms to books about puppies.
Joseph Martirano, also 5, wrote his about sharks, and said his favorite part was learning that sharks have many rows of sharp teeth.
His favorite shark is the tiger shark, he explained.
When asked what his favorite thing was to do, Joseph smiled and instantly replied, “Reading.”