Photos: East End Arts’ ‘Renaissance Kid Revue’
The two-week long East End Arts Community School of the Arts Renaissance Kid Camp is concluding on Friday with a performance of “The Great Kapok Tree” for family and friends in the Carriage House.
Theater teacher Liz Casey, along with head counselor Elizabeth Wells and music teacher Keith Brace, has been working with the more than two dozen 5 to 8-year-olds actively engaging in games and activities that build group dynamic, and allow them to gain trust in one another.
They explored interesting ways to act out animal characters and created animal masks and crafting props and casting for the show.
The play takes place in the rainforest with Leslie Collazos, 8, of Riverhead as the main character who wants to cut down a Kapok tree.
While she sleeps under the tree, she is visited by the rainforest birds, jaguars, anteaters, sloths, porcupines, monkeys frogs and bees, implore her by repeating: “Do not chop it down! You will leave many of us homeless if you chop it down.”
They were rehearsing Thursday morning after they built the set earlier in the week for Friday’s Renaissance Kid Revue.
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