Thieves target unlocked cars in Calverton, Baiting Hollow
More than a dozen unlocked and parked cars were targeted by thieves in an overnight larceny spree in Baiting Hollow and Calverton, police said.
The cars were targeted sometime between Sunday night and Monday morning, Riverhead police said.
Victims reported having iPods, cell phones, GPS devices, briefcases, golf clubs, hats, sunglasses, clothing, a flashlight and cash stolen from the cars, according to police reports.
Officers received 13 reports from victims of an unknown person or persons entering unlocked cars and removing valuables in the Reeves Park section of Baiting Hollow and off of Sound Avenue in Calverton, according to police reports.
Vehicles parked in Reeves Park were especially hard hit, with eight alleged break-ins taking place in a five-block section of the neighborhood.
Riverhead police Lieutenant David Lessard said detectives and members of the town’s COPE [Community Oriented Police Enforcement] unit are investigating the thefts, thought he could not say for certain they were all related.
He said most of the cars involved in the incidents were unlocked, making them appealing targets to thieves looking to quickly take items without being caught.
“They don’t want to spend more than a few seconds,” Lt. Lessard said. “They’re just grabbing whatever is readily available.”
Lt. Lessard said residents should always park their vehicles in lit areas, lock their doors and remove any valuables to protect themselves from being targeted.
The investigation is ongoing, police said.