
Track overhaul work set to start at SWR

PAUL SQUIRE PHOTO | Repairs are scheduled to begin at the Shoreham-Wading River track this week.
PAUL SQUIRE PHOTO | Repairs are scheduled to begin at the high school track this week.

The Shoreham-Wading River school board voted to resurface the high school track using red material at its meeting Tuesday night, paving the way for construction workers to make the repairs.

The nearly $300,000 in subsurface repairs and resurfacing efforts on the track are scheduled to begin Thursday, district officials said.

Work will likely last for about three weeks, weather permitting, said the district’s assistant superintendent for finance and operations, Glen Arcuri.

The track will be closed to the public during that time, he said.

But district officials said the track should reopen well before Aug. 16, the first practice date for next school year’s athletic teams.

Voters approved a $1.6 million track and tech proposition last fall that allows the district to upgrade the track, which students and district committee members said was in disrepair, as well as install new wireless networks and other technology upgrades throughout the district.

The school board also elected a new vice president at its meeting Tuesday night. John Zukowski, a board member since 2011, was unanimously voted in as the new vice president, replacing Richard Pluschau, who held the role this past year.

President William McGrath, who was re-elected as president without opposition, had nominated Jack Costas to be elected as vice president, but changed his vote to Mr. Zukowski after the other six board members voted for him.

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