Letter: We need speed enforcement in Jamesport
To the Editor:
I hope this letter to you is also read by Riverhead Police Chief David Hegermiller.
I walk our dog every day along Peconic Bay Boulevard in Jamesport. Normally, this is a pleasant and leisurely event and there are no problems. This changes as soon as the summer season kicks in. Especially, and I mean especially, on the weekends.
I just returned from a walk that was so unnerving I just had to speak out. As soon as I got onto the boulevard, a car passed another car — over a double yellow line — at at least 50 mph. This was followed by a motorcycle that was in hot pursuit of that car.
As a bystander, I was completely ignored.
Speed seems to be the norm on this road all through the summer and has become a real life-threatening problem. I see patrol cars all week long, and appreciate their presence. But I would like to see their presence on weekends and certainly would like them to enforce the speed limit more often. If the speed limit is enforced, many of the incidents I have witnessed would be eliminated.
Walking the dog, pushing a stroller or going to the beach shouldn’t be an accident waiting to happen.
Patricia Hoffman, Jamesport
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