Community News: Garden Club, Kiwanis and some special programs

Congratulations to the following newly installed Riverhead Garden Club officers: Marlene Steers and Fay Young, co-presidents; Nancy Binger, first vice president; Dorothy Sullivan, second vice president; Eileen Norton, correspondence secretary; Carol Lee, recording secretary; and Joan Comer, treasurer. The club, which meets the first Tuesday of each month at James-port Community Center, promotes the beautification, preservation and conservation of trees, flowers and plants, and various horticultural projects in the community. It offers garden therapy at adult centers; children’s programs on gardening, such as the Star Garden at Roanoke Avenue Elementary School; and scholarships for district students.
The meetings also feature many speakers discussing topics such as composting, ecology, flower arranging and more.
The Girls Scouts at Roanoke Avenue Elementary have been busy learning how to attract wildlife to the school’s garden and helping the garden survive during the cold winter months. Members of the Riverhead Garden Club have supported the girls’ efforts by teaching them about birds and guiding the girls in projects like making pine cone feeders in December and painting bird feeders in January.
Kiwanis Club of Greater Riverhead is seeking new members. This global organization is dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time. Members can assist with already developed programs or may develop their own. Various ways the club has supported the community include the Toys for Tots program and the Riverhead High School Key Club, recognized as the only distinguished Key Club in Suffolk County. For more information call Harry Wilkinson at 463-5811.
Riverhead Free Library’s popular “Booked for Lunch” program will be held off-site Friday, Jan. 31, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at Express Deli Cafe, 303 Osborn Ave. RFL’s adult reference librarians will talk about Latin American literature. Twenty books will be featured. Lunch may be purchased beforehand.
RFL will kick off its Prosperity and Abundance book discussion series Wednesday, Feb. 12, from 7 to 8 p.m. Each month will feature an inspiring prosperity classic. The first book to be discussed will be Rhonda Byrne’s “The Secret.” For more information, call the RFL adult reference department at 727-3228.
Happy birthday to Ariel Reichel and Ashley Hulse on Jan. 31; Forest Vail, Seth Fruedenberg and Joe Czulada on Feb. 1; Billy Hartmann on the 3rd; Stephanie Gill, Tom Troyan, Jude Petrowski and Bob Szcepanik on the 4th; Melvin Henderson Jr. and Sydney Kito on the 5th; Ethan Baumack on the 6th; Nancy Carney on the 7th; Samuel Quartararo and Emily Hulse, who both turn 4, on the 8th; Jane Hill and Lynn Kobylenski on the 9th; Rashae Smith and Joan Hulse on the 11th; and Valerie Kulhan on the 12th. Be sure to celebrate.
Happy 41st wedding anniversary to Karen and Bill Kelly on Feb. 11. I hope your day is special.
Enjoy the winter days ahead. Take care of our feathered friends by offering them some birdseed and suet while the snow is on the ground.
Email your Riverhead community news to Kathy!