
Vote for Orient or Greenport in the final

Game-of-Hamlets-Vertical-copyThe Game of Hamlets is down to a battle between two closely related hamlets. Orient vs. Greenport.

The two Southold Town communities won in landslides this past week, with underdog Orient shocking Riverhead with 71 percent of the vote. Greenport knocked off Mattituck 67 to 33 percent.

Come Tuesday at 5 p.m., we’ll find out which local hamlet people like the most.


Northforker.com has been hosting the 16-hamlet bracket tournament, sponsored by Corcoran Group, since March 13.

On the weekend of April 12-13, we will host an open photo shoot, inviting anyone who lives or works in the winning hamlet, for a large group photo to appear on the cover of the April 17 edition of The Suffolk Times. The photo shoot will take place in a public location in that community. We’re looking for as many people to show up as possible for the photo. Full details will be announced after the winner is chosen.

The April 17 issue will be dubbed either the Orient or Greenport issue, with sections featuring coverage about the winning hamlet.

To vote, simply click on the Birds Eye View or Vote Now icons below and cast a vote on each of the two matchups.