Inmate tries busting out of jail, quickly apprehended
A 30-year-old Huntington man in jail for murder tried to escape from the Suffolk County jail in Riverside Wednesday morning by climbing a fence with razor wire on top.
He didn’t make it.
Matthew Hubrins scaled an interior fence in the far corner of the jail at about 10:20 a.m. Wednesday, but the escape attempt was quickly foiled by Correction Officer Barbara McFadden, according to Sheriff Vincent DeMarco.
She had just finished her regular tour on the inside of the recreation yard at the jail and had locked the fence when she noticed Mr. Hubrins heading toward the far right corner of the yard, where he began to scale the inner fence, officials said.
Officer McFadden ordered Mr. Hubrins to get on the ground immediately, but he kept climbing, according to Mr. DeMarco.
After ignoring several commands to get down from the fence, Mr. Hubrins then reached the multiple layers of razor wire on top of the fence, and began to comply, officials said.
Officer McFadden had called for backup and Correction Officer Sergeant Richard Schenkman responded. They ordered Mr. Hubrins to get on the ground, and this time, he complied. The officers handcuffed him and brought him back to the jail, according to the sheriff.
Mr. Hubrins is in jail for the 2012 stabbing death of his stepfather, Noel Mohammed, a United States Postal Worker. That incident occurred in Huntington.
“Correction Officers face violent prisoners on a daily basis, and Officer McFadden’s professionalism under these circumstances should be commended,” Sheriff McFadden said in a press release. “She was able to verbally diffuse the situation, protect the safety of her fellow officers and the other inmates, and apprehend the inmate quickly.”