Real estate transfers
Listings prepared for Times/Review Newspapers by Suffolk Research Service, dated Sept. 23-29, 2014.
• Stakey, H & L to Coval, Robyn, 36 Phillips Ln (600-46-1-12), (R), $359,000
• O’Neil, P to Cappa, Robert, 1 Green Ash St (600-81.1-1-13), (R), $457,000
• DeCastro, E to Baldwin, Hatty, 25 Private Rd (600-144-1-20), (R), $185,000
• Graeb, T & D to Apparu, Alexandre, 23425 CR 48 (1000-84-1-10.3), (R), $409,700
• Cahill, K & McKenna, N to Harter, David, 2890 Bridge Ln (1000-85-2-22), (R), $650,000
• Miller, D & Johnson, C to Anderson, Dina, 7045 Oregon Rd (1000-95-1-7.1), (R), $979,000
• Martz Jr, T to Watson, David, 600 Wunneweta Rd (1000-104-11-13), (R), $810,000
• Smith, E to Thompson Revocable Trust, Ann, 1260 Fairway Dr (1000-109-5-14.7), (R), $649,000
• Cordano, J to Blond, David, 980 The Greenway (1000-30-2-36), (R), $682,500
• Marshall, J & Menaker, L to Lolis, Peter, 2765 The Long Way (1000-30-2-111), (R), $475,000
• United States America to Plumb, Fred, Little Gull Island (1000-130-1-3), (R), $381,000
FLANDERS (11901)
• Polito, J Trust to Housing Trust Fund Corp, 35 Pine Ave (900-123-2-40), (R), $245,000
• Cannard-Seward, C to Housing Trust Fund Corp, 12 Oaks Ave (900-123-2-49), (R), $226,143
• Vitarelli, D to Housing Trust Fund Corp, 52 Pine Ave & 35 Fantasy Dr (900-123-2-58), (R), $220,000
• Mangiaracina, J to XO Flanders LLC, 134 Royal Ave (900-148-2-34), (R), $215,000
• Murphy, P & D to McCarthy, Daniel, 1225 Green Hill Ln (1000-33-2-27), (V), $180,000
• Dickman, D & Bursuk, M to Cahill, Kevin, 415 Willow Dr (1000-33-6-10), (R), $462,500
• Sterling Square LLC to Stirling Square LLC, 308 Main St (1001-4-7-29.1), (C), $2,000,000
• Deduck, R to Dinizio, Patricia, 223 Sixth St (1001-7-1-4), (R), $325,000
• Strode, J & Kammer, W to Hlafter, Jon, 1400 Meadow Beach Ln (1000-115-17-17.18), (R), $840,000
• Gorman Love Lane Inc to 5035 County Road LLC, 5035 CR 48 (1000-140-1-13), (R), $250,000
• Pesci, F to Munson, Helene, 300 George Rd (1000-117-4-17), (R), $540,000
PECONIC (11958)
• Mlot, J to Mlot, Marcin, 1980 Henrys Ln (1000-74-2-2), (R), $400,000
• Johnson, D to Sucharski, Arkadiusz, 263 Rabbit Run (600-65-1-29.53), (R), $370,000
• Kabakoff, S & A to Maino, James, 25 Goose Neck Ln (600-82.1-1-25), (R), $460,000
• Jurik, E by Referee to CitiMortgage Inc, 41 Prospect Pl (600-127-5-15), (R), $515,668
• Humphrey, P to Kipreos, Erika, 16 Great Circle Dr (700-1-1-60), (R), $834,000
• 26-27 Ram Island Dr to Town of Shelter Island, 26 & 27 Ram Island Dr (700-4-1-2), (V), $482,500
• Abeles, D & L to Correa, Laura, 4 Marc St (700-15-4-31), (R), $455,000
• Glazer, E & C to Orlando, Daniel, 9 Morningside Ave (600-93-2-10), (R), $2,625,000
SOUTHOLD (11971)
• Maino, J & M to Cole, Denis, 655 Albacore Dr (1000-57-1-17), (R), $849,000
• Little Red Southold to DWMD LLC, 1080 Terry Ln (1000-64-3-12), (R), $397,500
• Flower Hill Building to Georgiadis, George, 200 Blossom Ln (1000-69-3-10.4), (V), $210,000
• Petrocelli, J & J to NH Sag, LLC, 2100 Paradise Point Rd (1000-81-3-19.7), (R), $7,400,000
(Key: Tax map numbers = District-Section-Block-Lot; (A) = agriculture; (R) = residential; (V) = vacant property; (C) = commercial; (R&E) = recreation & entertainment; (CS) = community services; (I) = industrial; (PS) = public service; (P) = park land; as determined from assessed values in the current tax rolls.)