Important phone numbers to have handy during a storm

The following is a list of phone numbers Riverhead residents should have handy in the event of a storm or other emergency.
Emergency 911
Riverhead Town Police Non-Emergency: 631-727-4500
Riverhead Storm Hotline: 631-727-3200 ext. 767
Riverhead Town Highway Department: 631-727-3200 ext. 228
Southampton Town storm-related emergency hotline: 631-728-3400
Northfork Animal Welfare League: 631-765-1811
Cablevision: 631-727-6300
PSEG: 800-490-0075
National Grid: 800-490-0045
Long Island Rail Road: 516-822-5477
FEMA: 800-621-3362
NYS: Emergency Management Office 518-292-2200
Suffolk County Office of Emergency Management: 631-852-4815
Suffolk County Water Authority: 631-665-0663
Verizon: 877-773-8399
MTA Long Island Bus: 516-228-4000
Red Cross: 877-733-2767
Suffolk County Public Works: 631-852-4010
Snow plowing services:
Kaiser Maintenance — 631-722-4479
Peconic Paddler — 631-727-9895
Chris Mohr Landscaping — 631-765–4617
Sound Side Landscape — 631-765-5471
Ratsey Construction — 631-477-0979