Featured Letter: Local politicians should stick to promises

To the editor:
During the campaigning for the 2015 election in Riverhead for town supervisor and Town Board members, I attended many a debate between the candidates. My daughter, Laura Jens-Smith, was a candidate for Town Board. One of the many issues discussed was the effect of so many stores being built on Route 58, the associated traffic problems and the ugliness of stores being squeezed onto every available open space. Do we really need another low-end eatery squeezed into an already congested Route 58? Think Sonic.
Supervisor Sean Walter and Councilwoman Jodi Giglio repeatedly said the stores were going to be kept between the Expressway and Route 105 to contain this congestion of stores to one area. Now, since the election is over and Mr. Walter has been re-elected, what has happened to his claim (and promise) that stores and congestion are going to be kept between Route 105 and the Expressway?
All of a sudden we are expanding east to Jamesport. This will continue changing our town, which will lose the beautiful rural quality that so many of us cherish. Does Jamesport need a large assisted-living facility with its main entrance right on Main Road in the heart of all the small stores already there? Is this what we want for our town and our living area? If not, we had better speak up, write letters and attend Town Board meetings to find out what is going on.
Judy Jens, Riverhead