Aquebogue News: Riverhead Garden Club’s plant and baked goods sale

Old Steeple Community Church is sponsoring 7 a.m. Farmers Worship Services during May.
This is a wonderful outreach for local farmers to come together in prayer and worship at a time that doesn’t conflict with their agricultural responsibilities and lifestyle. On May 8, a service will be held at Joe and Donna Doroszka’s home at 66 Pine Ave., Riverhead; May 15, Iron Pier Beach in Northville; and May 22 at the home of David and Liz Wines, 5793 Sound Ave., Riverhead. For questions, call the church office at 631-722-3070 or email [email protected].
The Long Island Fleece and Fiber Fair will be held May 14-15, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Hallockville Museum Farm, rain or shine. Visitors will learn how local artisans craft wool and other animal fibers into beautiful pieces of clothing and art. Admission is $6 for adults; $4 for children ages 5-12; free for ages 4 and under. The family rate for two adults and two children, or one adult and three children, is $15. All admission fees directly support Hallockville’s educational mission.
On May 14 at Hallockville, join expert ornithologist Mary Laura Lamont on a guided two-mile meander around the preserved lands of Hallockville to identify migrating birds. The walk will be held from 9 to 11:30 a.m., which gives you plenty of time to attend the Fleece and Fiber Fair afterward. The donation for the bird walk is $6; $5 for museum members. Register in advance online at or call 631-298-5292.
Riverhead Garden Club’s annual plant and baked goods sale will be held Saturday, May 14, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Old Steeple Community Church. Proceeds will help fund scholarships and local civic beautification.
The Jamesport-South Jamesport Civic Association will meet at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 14, at the Jamesport Meeting House. Bagels, coffee and tea will be available at 9:30. The meeting will include a presentation of the school district’s budget, and at 11:30 the school board candidates will have a chance to speak.
Thanks to all of you who sent condolences for the recent passing of my mom in early April. It’s been a tough month for sure, but the thoughts and prayers help. Thank you.
I also want to wish all of you moms a very happy and healthy Mother’s Day. If your mom is still alive, be sure to tell her how much you love her and appreciate her. If she’s gone from this life, honor Mom in your heart and remember she’s gone but never forgotten.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Contact Aquebogue columnist Eileen Benthal at [email protected] or 833-1897.