Editorial: It’s lights out for the 2016 Cardboard Boat Race

A replica of the Titanic. A DeLorean from “Back to the Future.” The Ecto-1 vehicle from “Ghostbusters.”
Each year since 2010, when the first Cardboard Boat Race was held on the Peconic River, participants have amazed spectators with their cardboard and duct tape creations. Some boats have even been large enough to hold eight or more kids, leaving people wondering just how long it takes to build such a vessel.
The news last week that this year’s race has been officially canceled is a major disappointment not only for participants, but for the hundreds who enjoy watching the family-friendly event. By all accounts, the race has been successful each year, which makes it all the more confusing that it couldn’t come together this summer.
Originally, officials said they were wary of hosting the event in late June due to a low tide and potential fish kill. A makeup date could never be finalized. More recently, officials said the volunteers who typically organize the race were unavailable on other proposed dates.
If that’s the case, where was the effort to recruit new volunteers? Interest in the race remains strong, so if people had been given the option to step up, perhaps the event could have proceeded.
Instead, as they used to say in Brooklyn, “Wait till next year!”