Riverhead news: Lots to do at the library

St. David’s School starts 2017 with 103 children and 22 staff members, and a great enthusiasm for the year. While director Eric Hazer is no longer with St. David’s, Louise Markert and Mother Mary Garde will continue operations and enjoy the challenges of the new year.
Riverhead Free Library will host a meet and greet Sunday, Jan. 29, from 2 to 4 p.m. Come meet new library director Kerrie McMullen-Smith, new library manager Jim Provencher and the new department heads. While at the library, venture into the redesigned teen area, with its new flooring and setup of tables and computers. Also, take a walk through the children’s room, decorated in a “Candy Land” theme. The public is welcome and there will be light refreshments. Hope to see you there.
On Jan. 21, local author Dottie Coakley was invited to Hampton Bays Library to discuss her book “Chattanooga Girl.” Inspiration for her book draws from her time as an outreach worker for migrants and seasonal farm workers. Dottie currently lives in Riverhead and has been invited as a guest author at many libraries to date. Copies of the book can be found at Riverhead Free Library or Amazon.com.
Riverhead Free Library’s adult and information services department will host the program “Start the New Year With a New Attitude” Saturday, Jan. 28, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Presenter Connie Hallinan Lagan, who has appeared on numerous television and radio talk shows nationwide, opens a window to the joy of living positively. Topics include affirmative thinking, gratitude, present-moment living and forgiveness. For more information, call 631-727-3228.
Happy birthday to Les Grefe on Jan. 26; Chrissie Reichel, Tim Lessard and Pam Carey, Jan. 27; Marvin Warner, Jan. 28; Jette Grefe and Seth Bishop, Jan. 29; Ariel Reichel and Ashley Hulse, Jan. 31; Forest Vail, Seth Fruedenberg and Joe Czulada, Feb. 1; Milli Smith, Feb. 2; Billy Hartmann, Feb. 3; Tom Troyan, Jude Petrowski and Bob Szczepanik, Feb. 4; Sydney Kito, Feb. 5; Ethan Baumack, Feb. 6; Superintendent of Schools Nancy Carney, Feb. 7; and Samuel Quartararo and Emily Hulse, who will both turn 7, Feb. 8.
Happy 64th wedding anniversary to Dolly and Robert Hartmann on Jan. 30. May it be a special one!
Get-well wishes to Nina Campbell, Marlene Iberger and Marie Madigan.
Congratulations to our new commander in chief, Donald J. Trump. God bless America.
Contact Riverhead columnist Kathy Berezny at 631-727-6148 at [email protected].