
Memorial Day ceremony at PBMC honors men, women of armed forces

Peconic Bay Medical Center hosted a Memorial Day ceremony Tuesday afternoon to honor the men and women of the armed forces.

The Auxiliary at PBMC presented a check to United Veterans Beacon House, an organization that provides veterans and their families with housing. PBMC supports the organization through the sale of military items and flags sold throughout the spring.

Frank Amalfitano, the CEO of United Veterans Beacon House, said the organization offers support programs that serve individuals in need.

The Riverhead Middle School band performed and the Riverhead ROTC presented the colors.

See more photos below by Kate Nalepinski:

Teacher Annette Brewer conducts seventh- and eight-grade Riverhead Middle School students as they perform “See You Again” by Wiz Khalifa outside PBMC.
Peconic Bay Medical Center CEO and president Andrew Mitchell said the hospital supports veterans and offers company benefits to employees who are called to service.
Peconic Bay Medical Center Auxiliary volunteer Thelma Booker holds a heart-shaped balloon to honor veterans in the community Tuesday, May 21.
United Veterans Beacon House CEO Frank Amalfitano said the organization provides veterans and their families with housing and offers support programs that serve individuals in need.
Members of the Auxiliary at Peconic Bay Medical Center (pictured) support the United Veterans Beacon House through the sale of military items and flags sold during the spring season. The group donated their funds to UVBH at Tuesday’s ceremony.
Peconic Bay Auxiliary volunteer director Joan Fehling, Riverhead Town Supervisor Laura Jens-Smith, Councilwoman Catherine Kent, UVBH CEO Frank Amalfitano, Councilman Tim Hubbard and PBMC CEO and president Andrew Mitchell.
American flags fly outside Peconic Bay Medical Center prior to the ceremony Tuesday.