Real Estate Transfers: June 27, 2019
Listings prepared for Times Review Media Group by Suffolk Research Service, dated April 29-May 5, 2019.
Brought to you by:
• McCluskey, J by Referee to Wilmington Savings Fund, 170 Grant Dr (600-66-4-1.34), (R), $493,173
• Federal National Mrtg to Oswald, John, 379 Twomey Ave (600-99-2-23.3), (R), $500,000
FLANDERS (11901)
• Cassar, A to 424 E.Q. Realty Inc, 156 Priscilla Ave (900-120-3-21), (R), $350,000
• Bradstreet, by Referee to National Residential Assets, 197 Sylvan Ave (900-123-1-38), (R), $348,821
• Nocco, R & E to JMA Custom Home Corp, 32 Peconic Trail (900-146-1-27), (R), $147,500
LAUREL (11948)
• Vickary, S by Admr to Bohlen, Lynn, 2490 Bray Ave (1000-126-10-4), (R), $273,000
• Grudman, N & A to Dorf, Eric, 620 North Dr (1000-106-6-27.1), (R), $790,000
ORIENT (11957)
• Schultz Trst & 260 Orch to Karabas, Sinan, 260 Orchard St (1000-25-3-4.1), (R), $1,189,000
PECONIC (11958)
• Augusta, C & D to Sala-I-Martin, Xavier, 40300 Route 25 (1000-86-4-1.4), (R), $985,000
• Garvey, F by Tr to Tumilowicz Family Trust, 102 Stoneleigh Dr (600-82.5-1-1), (R), $470,000
• TSA Capital LLC to FOHI 11375 LLC, p/o 1136 Ostrander & 841 OCR (600-104-2-3.3), (C), $2,700,000
• Bank of NY Mellon to Topdog Properties LLC, 173 Peninsula Path (600-107-3-16), (R), $278,949
• Johnson, J & Burns, J to Koutras Trust, Andreas, 420 Griffing Ave (600-128-4-2), (R), $332,000
• Grosbard, R & B to Beardsley, Wayne, 55 S. Midway Rd (700-19-1-19), (R), $1,595,000
SOUTHOLD (11971)
• Croteau, M & P by Receiv to 875 Grange Road LLC, 875 Grange Rd (1000-75-4-22.8), (V), $219,000
• Croteau, M & P by Receiv to 1450 South Harbor Road LLC, 1055 S Harbor Rd (1000-75-4-22.9), (V), $229,700
• Croteau, M & P by Receiv to 1450 South Harbor Road LLC, 1450 S Harbor Rd (1000-75-7-1.4), (R), $1,365,000
• Everitt, M & Moran, K to Levin, Michael, 162 Sylvan Dr (600-33-4-10), (R), $364,000
(Key: Tax map numbers = District-Section-Block-Lot; (A) = agriculture; (R) = residential; (V) = vacant property; (C) = commercial; (R&E) = recreation & entertainment; (CS) = community services; (I) = industrial; (PS) = public service; (P) = park land; as determined from assessed values in the current tax rolls.)