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TR Talks series returns next month with ‘Future of Greenport’ discussion

Greenport is an ever-evolving place.

Once home to a bustling fishing industry, its identity has shifted in recent decades to a tourist district known for its fine restaurants and higher-end shopping experiences.

With growth comes growing pains and the community has struggled with issues that include housing concerns, aging infrastructure in schools, a changing business community and more. How the village, including its residents and businesses, respond to continued changes will go a long way toward determining the future of the community. 

“The Future of Greenport” is the topic for our first Times Review Talks panel discussion of 2020. The event is scheduled for 8 a.m. on Thursday, March 5 at The Halyard.

Confirmed panelists include Mayor George Hubbard Jr., Village Trustee Mary Bess Phillips, high school principal Gary Kalish, Peconic Landing CEO Bob Syron, business owners Ian Wile and Shelly Scoggin, and Greenport Business Improvement District president Rich Vandenburgh of Greenport Harbor Brewing Co.

The discussion will be moderated by Times Review Media Group executive editor Steve Wick and will include mostly questions from the audience.

Times Review Talks are panel discussions on issues our communities are facing with the people who best understand the concerns and, in some cases, are in a position to make a difference. The two-hour events will be held six times this year, including future events on topics like cybersecurity and farming on the North Fork.

This year we’ve lowered the ticket price to $15, which includes a continental breakfast. Space is limited, so we recommend purchasing your tickets in advance at bit.ly/TRTalks_March.

This month’s lead sponsors are Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital and Richmond Realty. Partner sponsors include Suffolk Security Systems, Riverhead Ford Lincoln & Riverhead Buick GMC, Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty, Advantage Title and Greenport BID.