Election 2021: Riverhead Town Supervisor

Hamlet: Riverhead
Occupation: Riverhead Town supervisor
Party Lines: Republican, Conservative
About her: Ms. Aguiar, 62, was elected as supervisor in 2019 in her first run for political office. A retired sergeant in the NYPD’s counter terrorism division, she has a Ph.D. in business and works as a professor in security management at American Military University. She’s also a licensed New York State real estate agent. She’s a member of the Riverhead Lions, Elks and Moose. She is currently raising a puppy, River, as a future service dog.
Her pitch: Ms. Aguiar said she has knowledge and experience in both public and private sectors, which gave her the ability to adequately address the COVID-19 pandemic and create the Riverhead Senior Safe program to provide delivery of essential items and vaccines. She said she worked with various departments on the creation of a new Town Square downtown. The demolition of two downtown buildings began last week to begin the Town Square’s creation. She said she balanced the 2021 and 2022 budgets, resulting in a Moody’s Services Bond upgrade that hadn’t been seen in decades in Riverhead Town. The 2022 budget featured a decrease to the tax levy. She said code enforcement has been enhanced and the town is preparing to commence court actions once the state’s eviction moratorium is lifted on Jan. 15, 2022.
In her words: “I have strong business, personnel management and financial experience. My goal is to continue maintaining financial stability, strengthen economic development and preserve our bucolic environment with a balance.”
Hamlet: Baiting Hollow
Occupation: Riverhead Town councilperson
Party lines: Democratic, Working Families
About her: Ms. Kent, 65, is a lifelong Riverhead resident and mother of three children. She’s a graduate of Riverhead High School and holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Central Methodist University and Master of Liberal Arts degree from Stony Brook University. She served over 30 years as a teacher in the Riverhead Central School District before being elected to the Riverhead Town Board in 2017.
Her pitch: As an educator, Ms. Kent said, she was blessed to have a profession that was a passion and not just a job. She said she feels the same way about her work in government. She plans to work to “get EPCAL back on track” and said it’s time to walk away from the current deal in place with Triple Five Group. She said the town needs to find a developer that can present a plan to bring in jobs and the revenue needed to keep taxes in check. She said she will carefully steer development and balance progress with quality of life. She also plans to grow the town’s police department to enhance safety and work to maintain infrastructure.
In her words: “I will work for you, the people, not outside interests. I’m asking for your vote on Nov. 2. I’ve been proud to serve as your councilperson. During my term on the Town Board, I have learned a lot and achieved a lot. I hope to achieve more great things if you elect me to serve as your next supervisor.”