Public hearing set on proposal to add additional stores near Tanger

A proposal that dates back to 1988 may finally move forward.
Riverhead Town Board members said last Thursday that they are likely to set a public hearing for the “Dries-Speccio Manufacturer’s Outlet Center,” which proposes building additional outlet stores in the middle of the existing Tanger Outlets, but not part of the Tanger Outlets.
The public hearing is needed because the Business F zoning district requires a special permit, which must be granted by the Town Board, which in turn requires a public hearing. The date of the hearing wasn’t set yet.
A site plan approval is also needed from the town Planning Board.
The plan calls for construction of a 31,000-square-foot retail building on 4.15 acres in between Tanger I and Tanger II.
The town planning department is recommending a “negative declaration,” which means “there are no significant negative environmental impacts expected as a result of the proposed development.”
A traffic engineer hired by Dries-Speccio said that the proposal will generate no more than 73 more vehicles per hour, which is less than the 100 hourly trips required by the State Environment Quality Review Act to be considered a significant traffic impact.
The proposal will be located within the Business F zoning district, the same as Tanger, and the stores will have to comply with the Business F zoning district.