Real Estate Transfers: Aug. 25, 2022
Listings prepared for Times Review Media Group by Suffolk Research Service, dated July 11-17, 2022.
• Wells, R & L, to Houghton, Thomas, 181 South Path (600-97-2-4.3), (R), $540,000
• Rimor Development to Rossi Irrevocable Trust, Joseph & Carla, Harvest Pointe, #46 (1000-102.1-2-20), (C), $858,420
• Gabor Galgo LLC to Carrington Realty LLC, 550 Carrington Rd (1000-111-7-10), (R), $720,000
FLANDERS (11901)
• Schreiber, S, & Keller, S, to Bautista, Marco, 328 Oak Ave (900-166-2-25.5), (R), $800,000
• Hogan, W & C, to Fifth Street Greenport LLC, 169 5th St, Unit 29 (1001-7.1-1-29), (C), $1,100,000
• Gevinski, E, by Executor to Pav, Rita, 99 Washington Ave (600-90-2-13), (R), $350,000
LAUREL (11948)
• Boutcher, R & G & F Trust to Luce, George, 1982 Main Rd (600-48-2-9), (R), $765,000
• Brooklyn Timber LLC to Oasis at Mattituck Corp, 2985 Stanley Rd (1000-106-8-70), (V), $275,000
• Zenith Property Group to Oasis at Mattituck Corp, 2915 Stanley Rd (1000-106-8-71), (V), $275,000
• Beresford, H & B, to Gomez, Fabio, 265 Old Field Ct (1000-120-3-8.20), (R), $960,000
• Masciale, B, to Ferrara Sr, Stephen, 49 Laura Ln (600-81-1-17.14), (R), $860,000
• Save More Homes LLC to Rousso, Olivia, 153 Fox Run Ln (600-85-1-10.24), (R), $599,900
• Cammarota, R & N, to Colombo, Kristin, 131 Southern Pkwy (600-107-2-45), (R), $550,000
• Cyr Family Trust to Walsh, Kathleen, 3 Quail Hedge Ln (700-7-4-77.5), (V), $510,000
• Bassemir, J, by Executor to Bassemir, Douglas, 67 Brookside Ave (600-89-1-25.1), (R), $800,000
SOUTHOLD (11971)
• Zukowski, T, & Cheung, M, to Romney, Edgar, 1485 Mill Creek Dr (1000-51-6-29), (R), $1,250,000
• Drago, J, by Executor to Dimmling, Matthew & Carolyn, 1425 The Esplanade (1000-88-6-13.42), (R), $1,305,000
(Key: Tax map numbers = District-Section-Block-Lot; (A) = agriculture; (R) = residential; (V) = vacant property; (C) = commercial; (R&E) = recreation & entertainment; (CS) = community services; (I) = industrial; (PS) = public service; (P) = park land; as determined from assessed values in the current tax rolls.)