Southampton poised to purchase two waterfront properties on Flanders Road
The Southampton Town Board is poised to purchase two large waterfront properties on Flanders Road and has scheduled public hearings on both proposals.
The town intends to buy the 3.1-acre former Seven Zs property at 1040 Flanders Road, as well as a former duck farm just west of that.
The first property still has some of the remains of Seven Zs — later known as Peconic Health and Racquet Club — and has fallen into disrepair over the years.
The land is now owned by Island Properties & Associates in Farmingdale. It has sat vacant for many years, as the current owner was unable to develop it.
“These are very good acquisitions for the town,” Southampton Supervisor Jay Schneiderman said. “They are both waterfront properties and the removal of the Seven Zs building will create a special vista into Reeves Bay.”
Over the years, a number of uses have proposed for the Seven Zs site, including condos, a restaurant, and even another health club — but none has come to fruition. The Town Board now hopes to buy the property for $1,147,000 for preservation.
The town resolution scheduling the hearing says that Island Properties “has expressed interest in selling” the land to the town.
The other property of interest to the town is a 4.5-acre parcel listed in tax records as 1040F LLC. Mr. Schneiderman said both parcels have the same owner.
According to the town, that owner, listed in this case as David DeRosa of Farmingdale, “has expressed interest in selling” the second parcel at a price of $2,346,000. The supervisor said it would make “an ideal waterfront park.”
The larger property was home to the hamlet’s first duck farm in 1884, according to the Flanders Hamlet Heritage Area Report, published by Southampton’s Landmarks and Historic District Board in April 2014.
The area was once known as “Methodist Point.”
In recent years, the house toward the northern part of the property was pained red, white and blue.
Separate public hearings on both potential purchases will take place during the Town Board meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 13, which begins at 1 p.m. at Town Hall.