10.25.2010 Uncategorized Column: The silly season in sunny California Autumn has finally come to Merced. Last week the temperature was in the high 90s, but today it’s in the 70s. It’s a nice change, and we’ve even had...
09.23.2010 Community Columns Changes get made — inside and out This is a busy day, both outside my house and inside. Maybe it just feels that way because nothing was happening for such a long time, and now so...
08.26.2010 Community Columns Think back… then think again A true New Yorker might ignore discussion of the mosque proposed for two blocks from ground zero, but an alternative is to find out more — in this case,...
08.12.2010 Community Columns Getting to know a new hometown The last few weeks have been taken up with unpacking and trying to find where I’ve put things. But they’ll emerge eventually; now it’s time to find out about...
07.22.2010 Community Columns Navigating the way to a new life I’ve finally reached Merced, Calif.; that is, I’m all the way here. It’s been a long, hard journey from Greenport for Mecca, my dog, and my two cats, Jojo...
07.08.2010 Community Columns People and things I’m leaving behind Busy. busy, busy. Moving out, and there are so many “to-dos” — I dare not list them lest I be overwhelmed. Instead I blinker myself and just plod from...
06.24.2010 Community Columns Reluctantly cashing in on a California crisis Events move in a variety of patterns. Most of the time we just amble along from one thing to the next, but sometimes it seems as though nothing is...
06.10.2010 Community Columns Moving forward while sitting still It’s happened! I have sold my house. Back in December, when my children were putting my kitchen in order, they predicted that the house would sell in June, but...