01.19.2017 Riverhead School District Riverhead school superintendent releases statement on bus driver arrest Riverhead school district superintendent Nancy Carney issued the following statement Thursday morning on the recent bus driver arrest.
04.05.2015 Columns Guest Spot: Look beyond Common Core’s testing component Much has been said of late concerning Common Core and its effect on the education of our children, particularly with regard to testing and evaluation. And while I agree...
03.13.2013 Education Superintendent: Security staff acted appropriately After being made aware of allegations of improper security at the February 5 boys basketball game, we conducted an investigation by interviewing those in attendance and reviewing security camera...
05.11.2011 Columns Equal Time: Guest column told half the story on school budget Last week’s News-Review Guest Spot column (“Why a school bond is so hard to swallow” by Janet Bidwell) contained statements that require additional information for the residents of the...