12.22.2019 Columns Guest Spot: Zeldin doesn’t support lower property taxes Our representative in Congress is supposed to listen to the working people of Long Island and put our interests first. Last week, Rep. Lee Zeldin once again failed to...
10.03.2019 Columns Guest Spot: On impeachment, we must move forward The current impeachment inquiry is necessary to protect our status as a democracy with unfettered free elections. While impeachment is a difficult process that will forever stain our nation’s...
09.15.2019 Columns Guest Spot: Will Lee Zeldin stand up for our troops? Donald Trump is stealing from veterans and endangering the lives of their children to pay for his wall. Only Congress — and Lee Zeldin — can stop him. Mexico...
09.16.2018 Letters Featured Letter: Future of Plum Island The federal government decided in 2009 to sell Plum Island to the highest bidder, presumably a private owner. In 2013 Donald Trump announced his desire to purchase Plum Island...