06.06.2015 Columns Guest Column: People are to blame, not bluefish Over the past several weeks, the East End’s waterways have been inundated with toxic red and mahogany tides resulting in die-offs of diamondback terrapin (turtles), bunker and alewives. Our...
11.29.2014 Columns Guest Spot: How deer have decimated our woodlands Our woodlands are under attack. It’s not the first time. By 1750, loggers had removed nearly all trees and brush from Wading River to Southold. Action was taken. Laws...
02.23.2014 Columns Guest Column: Nothing simple about our water crisis Protecting our surface and ground water is Long Island’s public issue number one. The Long Island Clean Water Partnership has done a great job in increasing public and political...
02.17.2014 Environment Guest Spot: Nothing simple about our water crisis Protecting our surface and ground waters is L.I.’s public issue number one. The L.I. Clean Water Partnership has done a great job in increasing public and political awareness. But...
11.16.2012 Columns Guest Column: Zoning should remain; Walter should recuse The Riverhead Neighborhood Preservation Coalition and the Greater Calverton Civic Association have taken the position that the Riverhead Town Board should not agree to a proposed settlement with Calverton...